Meh it takes more skill to multibox than the current freep tactics of raiding up and zerging solos that we are currently seeing.
Chains of insanity - Doom of GY Reborn - FOTM - WotGE - Fancy Lads
Retired from LOTRO
It is not about "what you prefare- to fight against bunch of toons controlled by one player or bunch of toons controlled by bunch of players'. It that case you will have to choose between 'to fight against bunch of players controlling bunch of toons or against bunch of players controlling much larger bunch of toons' in which case i bet 100% players will choose the former.
Multiboxing is extremly stupid and shows nothing more than great lack of skill, lazines, or unability to understand 'game' and 'fun' terms at all.
The only two things why turbine haven't blocked it yet are: money for subsciptions and lack of money to track multiboxers.
If you still think it is ok imgaine 50% players would use it. I guarantee next day other 50% players will leave this game and won't come back soon. Most likely at all.
If you still think think it is ok, think that the one with more money (=more accounts) will always win due to sheer number. When game is about 'pay to win' it is already dead game.
I have no idea who your toons are but I'll repeat what I said in the monster forums. I see almost all of you as laughable farmers, raidbabies and zerglodytes. So really, it makes zero difference to me whatsoever what group of players I run into, it's still just a group I have to fight that's looking for easy renown or infamy. I know, I know: you're different right? Pfft. Go multiboxer I say, I hope he makes all of you quit and/or cry.
We're all a bunch of ####heads and we all hate eachother. Its all just good fun.
[IMG][/IMG] ~~~ ©_© ~~~ [IMG][/IMG]
Milt, you know I love you. Anyone who has the sense of humor and cojones to write a song about LOTRO and post it is ok in my book (even if they did it originally without a solid rhythm backing). And I try not to take the game very seriously - it's not who I am, it doesn't reflect a skill set that really matters in life, etc.. People play the way they play and I wil do my thing, either with them, without them, or in disregard of them. Raid babies, people who always group with the same person or persons and look for soloers to blow up, warg or burg pack who jump on people with overwhelming numbers, Rez camp, camp quest locations. It's all good, and it's technically fair even if overly opportunistic. But cheating is another thing, and multivoxing, where someone can control multiple toons with one command and have them attack at the same second with the same skill is cheating. Cheating in the Moors has always existed (farmers, Macros, exploits), and while I think those who cheat are weak and dishonest, I also recognize that it is what it is. When the 5 boxer attacks me solo and blows me up, I'll retreat and get back to my game. So be it. But he is a cheating scum.
Someone should write a song about it...
Think about how easily my warg gets blown up when a certain group of hunters comes out (of course only when Gethro is with them). I'm saying that their intent is the same as the multiboxer (easy renown/infamy) and the result is the same. What do I care what's only the other side of the screen when there is no tangible difference between easyzergers and multiboxers? Again, I see no difference.
Geez, kinda building a backlog over here.Someone should write a song about it...
I also have no idea who you are. Not that I care. But your posts made ma laugh. At first I though they are serious, but then realised they are just jokes.
Go, super mega best player in the world and kill them all, have fun dying 100th time in a row claiming to be the moors' Beast because you're the only one playing against multiboxers, raiders and eazymoders. The true spirit of the moors is with you
And dedication for you (I picked nice one, hope you will enjoy it):
Multiboxing is bad. As is eazymoding, farming, raiding when there is no need to do it, using bots.
One can either say 'ok, let there be no rules, this game is "free for all", I will do what I want'. Its ok, it will be your very special game, with good luck you will be able to find few friends willing to play it.
Or one can say 'let there be ruls, so most players will have fun, the rest will have to agree to those terms or quit'.
But while easymoding or raiding is nothing more than lazyness and lack of imagination; farming and multiboxing or botting is some type of exploit. And this makes it worse than typical eazymoding feast we saw for years. And thats why I will call it as cheating/exploit even if company that made this game does not support my point of view (for now, as farming is, at least officially(...) forbidden).
Sounds like a desperate move
Rocking-boxing on Nimrodel haha. Hell it is funny. And, for what?
I give it a 4 out of 10. Just for pure effort.
[CENTER][COLOR=#faebd7][FONT=Arial Black][Izo - Chief - Traxi - Free!ps] - [[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][I]Surmit[/I] -[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]Corupluk - Healzr - Monsters Inc.][/B][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=#ffff00][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]**Forum Reputation - I'm renowned for my incompetence.**[/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Nope, I rather have it that it's just one player being lame than like it is when freeps comes out with a 24 man raid to battle 10 ungrouped or semi grouped creeps. That one player dosent ruin the action nor pvp in general while those raids is devastating for the moors. Ofcourse if some of those players had some skill they wouldnt need to raid up like those Dark Legacy trash players needs to.
Chains of insanity - Doom of GY Reborn - FOTM - WotGE - Fancy Lads
Retired from LOTRO
It means I just got rolled by a bunch of people. I have no idea if they are grouped or not, but my awesomeness could not stand up to 10 to 1 odds so they all must be unskilled, EZmoding, afraid to die, raidbabies.
Why all the Dark Legacy hate? I know that GemEZmodi is in that kin and of course he won't leave GV without a raid, but I see no reason to trash a kin just because of him.
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]
or u see that they all share buffs (captain buffs for example) to know they raided up. Its not hard and doesnt take more than a couple of mins of pvping to understand.and all DL members are raid babies thats why that kin is trashed even on freepside. Same with Shwasted who started insulting other freeps who wont join his zerg LAWL
Chains of insanity - Doom of GY Reborn - FOTM - WotGE - Fancy Lads
Retired from LOTRO
Yes because Cappys NEVER give buffs out of group, with the changes to class skills, buffs and heals go out of group, I know I have gotten the RK shiny/shield looking heal and haven't been grouped. Maybe spending more than a couple of minutes on a Freep class would make you aware of that.
All my recent time I've been Freepside I've NEVER been insulted for not joining a group and from what I've seen Shwasted doesn't need to be grouped to blow things up.
Trashing kins or Tribes is bad form, it just makes you look like an idiot.
BTW, I've spent more than "a couple of minutes" PvPing, probably years more than you considering your join date.![]()
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]
Chains of insanity - Doom of GY Reborn - FOTM - WotGE - Fancy Lads
Retired from LOTRO
i have a pocket mini bc that is my wife that plays and im not gonna ask her to play by herself as for me insulting ppl bc they would not join my zerg lmmfao if ur referring to yesterday i was telling the 6 freeps to stop pushing out of rez bc they just kept dieing with 13+ creeps at oc IF u wanna call that insults. Also as for me having a pocket mini guess u havent been playing that long i have put more than enough time into solo in the moors nowadays i still try to solo but alot of times doesnt work out but i still dont join big groups Y would u like me to start?
Don't Do Drugs..... ......Smoke The Herb
They probably kept dying because u were hugging that death count in your war tab lmao. and I said atleast one pocket mini see u more and more often with two and a cappy just in case. Dont worry stacking healers is the way to go. Everyones doing it.
and u do join big groups so I doubt we would see any difference. Just makes me lol when u still manage to wipe against our tribe grps![]()
Chains of insanity - Doom of GY Reborn - FOTM - WotGE - Fancy Lads
Retired from LOTRO
Yes sir, Dior is one of EU'S finest! We're both from Europe and played the game at release. He is quite knowledgeable on PvP and football, we could all learn a lot from his wise words!
He's a lad & proud of it, hah. Dior's just trying to point out that there's less of a problem if one person acts lame than a whole bunch of certain people. It's a game, lets kill each other. I'll drink to that.![]()
Don't Do Drugs..... ......Smoke The Herb
well congratz on the kbs u want a cookie OMG u can kill someone in the ettenmoors lol and if u saw my wartab u would see that i die alot and im fine with that as for the bottle hell kno i prefer a BONG or BLUNT
Don't Do Drugs..... ......Smoke The Herb
btw whats happening right at this moment is what Im talking about. Zerg babies paradise.
Chains of insanity - Doom of GY Reborn - FOTM - WotGE - Fancy Lads
Retired from LOTRO