Originally Posted by
6. Frelorn is going to try and slot more time in the future for the streams maybe 2 hrs so he can accomplish more but he has a meeting to go to today. He will see if he can fit 2 days maybe in a week like Tuesday or Thursday.
If someone gets the opportunity (or if Frelorn reads this), could we have some streams on other days of the week as well? I'd really like to view some of these, but (naturally) I am in class for the entire afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the middle of December.
R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval