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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Question Wizard's Fire Pipe-Weed

    Wizard's Fire Pipe-weed field and Wizard's fire pipe-weed recipe is available from Ollo at the shire superior farm. However, the field recipe calls for Wizards Fire Seed which is not available. According to wiki, it is a vendor item.

    So, my question is: What vendor sells the seed? or is this something that was taken out at one time and has somehow creeped back in without the ability to buy the seed?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanana View Post
    According to wiki, it is a vendor item.
    The recipes is a vendor item, the seed is not.
    So, my question is: What vendor sells the seed? or is this something that was taken out at one time and has somehow creeped back in without the ability to buy the seed?
    None and no.

    If you read further into the wiki, you'd have found this;
    Crossbreeding Pipe-weed

    Crossbreeding pipe-weed seeds is no longer a manual process. When harvesting pipe weed crops, you have a chance of receiving a cross-bred seed from the same crafting tier or the one above it.

    For example, a Sweet Galenas Field has a chance of producing Dragon's Breath Seeds, Roper's Twist Seeds, Eagle's Nest Seeds, and Gamwich Braid Seed.

    For higher tiers, it should be noted that farmers stop selling common pipe-weed seeds after the expert tier. That means to get Artisan or higher pipe-weed seeds from farming, you need to plant expert level crops, and harvest them for chances at Artisan level seeds. From there, you would plant and harvest Artisan seeds for Master seeds, and Master seeds for Supreme.

    Crossbreeding Reference Chart
    And, of course, the Wild Pipe-weed Field Recipe has a chance to harvest any pipe-weed.



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