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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Class-bound gear quest rewards: Beorning forgotten

    I've been questing in Evendim and I did 2 meta-quests where if you finish a whole series of quests, you get a special purple piece of gear that's bound to your specific class. I believe that after the Eavespires quest series you get a beorning-bound piece of gear, so that's well taken care of.

    However, after completing the Santity Of The Sovereigns meta-quest in Men Erain, Evendim, the Beorning is forgotten. Please take a look at this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I just finished with Evendim (well, I just completed the Eavespires, got to Kin and decided to move on).

    I was originally hopeful when there was a brand-new pair of Boots added to Twilight Estates quests, and a brand-new Cloak added to Torogethir's Charge quest. However, when I looked all throughout Token-barter NPC, it became sadly evident that there was no Beorning set of equipment. Then, I went back and checked the Twilight Estates' reward list, and the Boots didn't show any set bonuses. There wasn't any new pocket item in the final Bounty quest. There wasn't any new bracelet in Rantost quest chain. There wasn't any new Earring in the Eavespires quest chain.

    TL;DR. I quested through Evendim, and all I got was this lousy pair of shoes.



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