From the Girls of Creepside
Serveral of us girls on creepside have been running "all girl" groups in the moors for the past week. We have completely owned freeps when we are out grouped together. We would like to extend the invitation to any other girls out in the moors to feel free to join us when we do these groups. They have been unplanned but if we get more interest other than the 6 of us currently taking part, then we might make it a more regular and planned thing. Feel free to holler in ooc any time to see if we have one going.
I would like to thank all the freeps for coming out and feeding us lately, girl power is awesome!
A huge thanks to the two fail champs who fed us girls over and over this morning in grothum.
Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler