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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    The Great Turtle Invasion

    Throwback to 2014, when Dwarrow's House of Coins became the House of Turtles!

    It was an exploit, yes, but it was fun to fight in, and hopefully with fewer servers, Turbine might be able to organise some official spontaneous events like this!

    Anybody else got memories of great events in Dwarrow history?
    Dwarrowdelf-Gothash-R9 Reaver
    @Celedreor-R5 Hunter
    'Naked dwarf on fire. That can't be good.'
    ~ Sapience

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Dwarrowdelf has invaded galtrev as well.

    Hurzu R10 Stalker - Bushyasta R7 Warleader
    Sampoo R8 Minstrel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Sno Farming

    Belv and Sno farming

    The rise of the Rose Rovers
    Chocla 95 Minstrel (Fail Ezmoder) ~ Kraurshak R7 Warg (GTA 1v1 Ganker) ~ Qqmoarpls 41 Hunter
    "if i wanted i could go and actually become a lawyer " -belv



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