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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Trickster skill?

    I've finally decided to play around with the yellow tree on my burglar but the trickster skill is confusing me some. Hoping someone can explain how it's supposed to work.

    It says:

    "Trick Skills are now AoE and the next Trick can stack with an existing Trick.
    Expires if out of combat for 9s seconds. "

    I would think this would mean that I can have 2 tricks up for the remainder of combat, but that isn't what happens. In fact the stacking seems inconsistent at best.

    Any one know the details here?


    Nevermind, I experimented and found out what actually happens. After Trickster, the 1st trick will last its normal time. The 2nd trick will last normal time and can be removed normally and replaced by other tricks. Doesn't impact the first trick. However, if you use Clever Retort it will remove both tricks the ability to restack is used up.
    Last edited by Muileos; Feb 26 2016 at 06:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    help on class deed, Trickster

    I have completed all my class deeds except for this one. I don't know how to use it and what to use it on. You need a 1000 and at this rate I will never accomplish this. Any suggestions?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Clarisa View Post
    I have completed all my class deeds except for this one. I don't know how to use it and what to use it on. You need a 1000 and at this rate I will never accomplish this. Any suggestions?
    You just need to use Tricks on enemies. I think the easiest trick to get if you don't want to go full yellow is Dust In The Eyes (top right of yellow trait tree). It will cost you 2 trait points if you're traited red or blue. Just use it 1000 times (or less if you use a skill deed accelerator or two).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    If your Burglar is as old as mine, the problem lies in the definition of a Trick.

    Established/Returning players may remember how the game operated prior to the addition of the Trait Trees. Certain skills were once called Tricks (example: Trip) and included many skills that are now in Red or Blue trait lines, but are no longer considered to be Tricks. In the current LotRO game, Tricks are only three skills all within the Yellow trait line.

    So this deed will only update when your Burglar is yellow traited and uses certain skills (Dust in the Eyes, Counter Defence, Enrage) against opponents. Otherwise the tricks are not available to you, and the deed cannot be advanced.

    So to complete this deed you will need to fight non-Trivial opponents (ie, not gray) while using the yellow trait line, making as much use of Trick skills as possible - damage isn't the issue here, so Tricks take precedence. The most effective way to do this is to fight a white-named opponent while you've got the Stone of the Tortoise pocket item (XP disabler) equipped. Effectively you'll be fighting an equal opponent almost to a stand-still; probably using 2-5 Tricks per opponent. No XP means you'll avoid gaining levels and thereby out-leveling your opponents.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AccessDenied View Post

    So this deed will only update when your Burglar is yellow traited and uses certain skills (Dust in the Eyes, Counter Defence, Enrage) against opponents. Otherwise the tricks are not available to you, and the deed cannot be advanced.
    Nope. You can use Dust In The Eyes when traited red, as I'm doing at the mo' on a Burg on Evernight, or blue. I'm at 571 of 1000. It just costs you 2 trait points to take it from the yellow tree.

    Edit: 572 now.
    Last edited by Altair6; Sep 24 2016 at 04:49 PM.



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