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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Ideas for Hunter Changes

    These for some Ideas for Hunters that I thought up. I feel these changes will make the Hunter Class, once again viable.

    Overall Class Changes

    • Find the Path is now +10% faster, overall
    • Desperate Flight Cooldown reduced to 10 Minutes
    • Travel Skills are now Raid wide
    • Campfire now gives In Combat Morale and Power regen
    • Can now while in Camouflage, with -20% movement speed

    The Bowmaster

    • Hunters deal +15% more damage overall while in this line
    • Focus has a 50% chance to be refunded on critical hits
    • Heartseeker damage increased by 50%
    • Heartseeker critical hits make the next Merciful Shot a Guaranteed Critical Hit
    • Devasting Critical Hits with Merciful Shot refreshes the Cooldown on Heartseeker
    • Penetrating Shot ignores 50% of target's mitigations when the target is below 25% health

    The Huntsman

    • Inductions are reduced by a further 25% overall
    • Hunters in this line receive +10% Evade chance while moving
    • Hunters in this line receive +10% Parry chance while standing still
    • Critical Hits with Penetrating shot make the next Swift Bow Instant Cast

    The Trapper of Foes

    • All Critical hits apply a stacking bleed (stacks up to 3 times), All Devastating Critical Hits apply a more potent version of that bleed
    • Barbed Arrow bleed stacks up to 5 times, Critical Hits with Barbed Arrow refreshes its cooldown
    • All traps have a 50% wider radius
    • The One Trap and Piercing Trap effect up to 5 targets in AoE
    • Piercing Trap returns 10% of all damage dealt to to targets effected
    • Target deals -2% less damage for every Hunter DoT present
    • Cry of the Hunter's bubble magnitude is now equal to 30% of the hunter's Maximum Morale, and Reflects 25% of all incoming Damage.
    • Hunter Oils now apply to Traps as well
    • Decoy causes all mobs in a 20 meter radius to deal -20% less damage, and have -20% attack speed, while the decoy is active
    • Purge Poison is now Instant Cast and removes up to 3 poisons / wounds / fears / diseases
    • Hunter Damage over Time effects no longer break targets out of CC effects (Traps, fears, roots, etc.)
    • Cry of the Predator effects up to 3 targets of any type
    • Explosive Arrow now fires 3 rounds simultaneously in a horizontal formation

    So what do you guys think of my ideas for Hunter changes??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by GSO86 View Post
    Can now while in Camouflage, with -20% movement speed

    Purge Poison is now Instant Cast and removes up to 3 poisons / wounds / fears / diseases
    Hunter Damage over Time effects no longer break targets out of CC effects [i](Traps, fears, roots, etc.)
    i strongly disagree with those three, thats just too much.
    if you want movement in camouflage, let it be 10% movementspeed, not 80%. 80% is faster than burglar stealth-speed in yellow. just by far too much.
    -90% movementspeed would be okay. this is camouflage, not stealth.

    purge poison instant: yes, please on all classes.
    purge poison all effects: yes, please, like on all other classes.
    purge poison three effects and all types and still 15sec cd? thats op. if it cures 3 effects of all types, it should at least have 30sec cd or something like that. but 30sec cd cures are somewhat weak. so better let it just cure 1 effect. still better 1 than 3 only poisons.

    no cc breaking by dots would put hunters on the very unfair advantage to be able to do damage to CC'd targets without punishment. just no. the chance for most CCs to be broken by dots is already much slower than the chance to be broken by direct damage. if thats not the case for hunters CCs, add it to hunters CCs, but adding the ability to hunters just like that is just too strong. damage should always (have a chance to) break CC.

    Also, i think, the proposed changes to Bowmaster might be a little bit over the top. should be tested before release for sure.

    in general, some nice suggestions.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I think Huntsman needs a lot more thought. Bowmaster is the best line already yet has a lot more ideas. You don't play blue much I guess?

    Why crit hits with pen shot make swift bow instant? Shouldn't a huntsman being using Barrage as a focus spender?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by GSO86 View Post
    So what do you guys think of my ideas for Hunter changes??
    Extremely random and all over the place.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GSO86 View Post
    The Trapper of Foes

    • [1]All Critical hits apply a stacking bleed (stacks up to 3 times), All Devastating Critical Hits apply a more potent version of that bleed
      [2]Barbed Arrow bleed stacks up to 5 times, Critical Hits with Barbed Arrow refreshes its cooldown
      [3]All traps have a 50% wider radius
      [4]The One Trap and Piercing Trap effect up to 5 targets in AoE
      [5]Piercing Trap returns 10% of all damage dealt to to targets effected
      [6]Target deals -2% less damage for every Hunter DoT present
      [7]Cry of the Hunter's bubble magnitude is now equal to 30% of the hunter's Maximum Morale, and Reflects 25% of all incoming Damage.
      [8]Hunter Oils now apply to Traps as well
      [9]Decoy causes all mobs in a 20 meter radius to deal -20% less damage, and have -20% attack speed, while the decoy is active
      [10]Purge Poison is now Instant Cast and removes up to 3 poisons / wounds / fears / diseases
      [11]Hunter Damage over Time effects no longer break targets out of CC effects (Traps, fears, roots, etc.)
      [12]Cry of the Predator effects up to 3 targets of any type
      [13]Explosive Arrow now fires 3 rounds simultaneously in a horizontal formation

    So what do you guys think of my ideas for Hunter changes??
    I'll focus on the yellow line:

    1. I'm fine with this. Yellow is about controlling battle(CC and debuffing) and bleeds.
    2. This would be too much bleeds. 4 stacks LW, critical hit bleeds AND stackable Barbed Arrow? Barbed arrow has too long induction and isn't supported by the yellow line. QS+LW>>barbed Arrow. I'd prefer to give Barbed Arrow other uses than damage like: increase its CD to 15 seconds, but it now applies piercing trap debuff/morale return
    3. There is no need for greater radius. They are big enough. Yellow line lacks the ability to apply debuffs from ranged.
    4. No, sry. Don't like this idea. Traps are mainly for CC and debuffing. The critical hit bleeds would improve Rain of Arrows enough to make yellow AoE worthwhile.
    5. Some sort of better scaling of piercing trap debuff is appreciated, but it isn't that bad in its current state especially with dots.
    6. outgoing damage debuff, im ok with it. It's not a must have, for me Trapper of Foes is more about weakening defenses, but it's ok.
    7. Cry of the Hunter.... yeah bubble is weak and needs some improvements.
    8. The One Trap and Piercing Trap already deal light/fire damage, but oils should apply to LW!!!!
    9. Decoy is fine the way it is, but i would like to add the ability to trigger Explosion myself. Maybe with explosive arrow?
    10. Purge Poison: yes to instant, but all effects and 3 at once is too strong. either 1 or 2 effects or higher CD.
    11. No.... just NO.
    12. Cry of the Predator: Hasn't this skill been removed/replaced by Cry of the Hunter?
    13. Explosive Arrow isn't best option for AoE damage, but instead its a great option to make Trapper of Foes able to apply Decoy debuff from ranged (incoming critical chance)

    What yellow line is lacking: Applying debuffs from range and useful traits after ~15 pts invested. Rain of Thorns rank 2-3, Endurance, complex mechanisms, armour rend, wounded Prey, explosive arrow are some examples. It's much better to put 16 Points in yellow and the rest in red, cause of the weak yellow traits.
    My ideas for changes:
    Advanced Placements:
    rank 1: Barbed Arrow CD increades to 15 sec. Barbed Arrow applies Piercing Trap's debuff
    rank 2: Explosive Arrow applies Deadly Decoy's debuff
    rank 3: Distracting Shot applies Triple Trap's Debuff

    Complex Mechanisms: increases Trapdebuff Durations by 2/4/6/8/10 seconds

    Armour Rend: Lingering Wound decreases Targets outgoing damage by 0,5/1/1,5/2/2,5% for each LW dot.

    Wounded Prey: for every bleed consumed you regain 1 Focus.

    Endurance: Rank 1: increases QS healing by 10%; Rank 2: QS healing is applied to Fellowship.

    The One Trap: applies all trapdebuffs at once.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    As things now stand it would probably make more sense to leave hunter pretty much as it is and nerf most of the other classes to bring them down to the same level.



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