Surprised by how many names I recognize on here despite having not played in almost 8 years...
I've logged in a few times here and there whenever I feel nostalgic but it's never for long.
"Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell outta my way."
"Happyness is fragile, nothing can be built upon it that will last, only duty endures. "
I have recently returned to lotro if anyone remembers me (though I haven't ventured out to the moors yet).
My Creeps was Tahwod (BA)
My Freep is Dowhat (Minstral)
Dowhat, Lvl65 Minstrel R6
Tahwod,Black Arrow
Melanthiea, lvl65 Burg of little reknown (R5ish?)
Damn, the nostalgia is strong reading the PvP forum here. :'(
Vundrak - Rank 12 Reaver / Corruptpresent - Rank 11 Warleader / Corruptmedicus - Rank 8 Defiler / Kolostomy - Rank 9 Blackarrow : Landroval
Rognomli - Rank 8 Guardian / Synexia - LvL 115 Hunter / Raiker - LvL 115 Minstrel / Lacet - LvL 100 Warden : Arkenstone
I log in from time to time, but don't really play. Look at world chat a little bit, and feel the pull of the past. I don't see the old schoolers on anymore, or the old kins, so I log off remembering another time...
Durrga R13 Hunter /Medwulf R10 Champ / Vei the Burg R9
Hi, hi hi.
Anyone interested in the new legendary server coming out? I'm sure we all have that life-time subscription collecting dust. The mmo genre as it is, is a dumpster fire. I long for nostalgia!
That,Rashka girl;
My UI causes people to make vomit noises.
I murder people's well thought out names. I always master loot.
I go into robot voice, a lot. So much so that now my Kinship and raiding team call me Navbot, the robot overlord.
I love rp.
I pvp to techno.
I think the Legendary server is going to be a gimmick. No PvMP, still has trait trees and all current game changes. Only difference is a server wide level cap. If they could actually roll back the server to be the same as at launch, then it would be interesting since I didn't play at the beginning.
Landy Horrorbuisness BA 9
Arkenstone Redrighthand WL 14
No PVMP at launch, just as it was in the original game, no? I'm also interested in the modernization of the game that they spoke about. I'm mostly interested because the current pricing of the game has made me hesitant to recommend it to friends to play with me if I ever felt like picking it up again. However, with only having to pay for vip and have access to all classes/races as well as having a good population to run on level instances is interesting. Call it what you want, I'm interested.
That,Rashka girl;
My UI causes people to make vomit noises.
I murder people's well thought out names. I always master loot.
I go into robot voice, a lot. So much so that now my Kinship and raiding team call me Navbot, the robot overlord.
I love rp.
I pvp to techno.
Vedui everyone,Yes. My Join-date might be Miss-leading. I am Ancient as the Stars.I recall the Ancient days ,Old Elf camp,the era before Audacity, Legendary weapons and even Orc Defiler class,Countless battles,Green dots,Nostalgia and so on. It will need a 150 page Guide to write all the changes which followed since the Moria release. The Current End gearing process for Free Peoples of Middle-Earth is absolutely absurd and I shan't subject myself to super-massive grind. I have recently executed World Character Transfer on my Primary Character Valainantiel. She was known as Vanyalanthiriel before. I was an active in PvMP on server Arkenstone from July - September. It took me months to gear her up and latest update completely messed up our values. Time ~ Money, Multiple builds shall consume enormous amount of time and as Guardian is not simple at all. One will need Special tanking setup. One handed weapon+Shield plus the special gear which is required for Tier II or Tier III instances and Semi DPS or Full Glass Canon Destroyer setup for PvMP,add it as double grind,Well the grind was always existent,Naturally for MMO,but comparing old and the current grind is simply ludicrous ~ with essences only dropping from boxes/Landscape and buying keys is possible only with real money. Huge majority will never know how "easy" wasy to enter the old days without need of grind,audacity,legendary weapons and so on and majority of creep player-base is under illusion thinking Freeps can simply walk into Ettenmoors. If you wish to duel with high ranked creeps or take a part in any serious conflict you will to embrace absurd amount of daily repetition which I simply cannot accept ,Not for now. I would rather enjoy RP,Level alternative characters or dozen other things than mindlessly grinding to get better gear.
I have 8 characters on Landroval at the moment. I do not know of the action and overall population. It is not about being terrible,average,over-powered. or the "best" Tis about constant re-grinding which is laughable to compare with Vanilla/Moria Mirkwood days. To be sincere before Essence gear and imbued legendary weapons. The grind and gearing system in general is wearisome and superbly annoying with inability of acquiring Keys from landscape anymore. My class has transformed completely. Every single stats went down and even players who currently participate in PvMP have at least one of the primary stats diminshed, be that Mastery,Mitigations,Morale,Cri tical Defence. I am going to wait a bit before I eventually Enter PvMP area.
Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Oct 27 2018 at 09:44 AM.
It's ironic that after all these years, I was unbanned (IDK...?) so I could actually post this sad news. I am not going to put it in its own thread; as I have no idea who still plays or reads these forums. But I think for those who knew him, he would want you to know...
For those who remember Leekae - R13 champion and leader of Guardians of the Dagorlad since launch - I wanted to let you know that he passed away earlier this week and will be laid to rest today. He was the love of my life and died peacefully with loving family surrounding him.
Take care,
[Retired 2012] ** R13 Minstrel ** Guardians of the Dagorlad ** Jaiyne <3
I'm alive, I am just not active in LotRO at the moment.![]()
Oh, snap!
Make sure you come on back for the Legendary Server!
Because eventually they will introduce PvMP....
Which means eventually you will be mercilessly corpse jumped!
Jimi's Mash
been in moors too long... Jimmycake
Better to be noticed by actions than words.
Now Streaming via twitch @
Last edited by medwulf; Nov 06 2018 at 07:54 PM.
Durrga R13 Hunter /Medwulf R10 Champ / Vei the Burg R9
I know we had our conflicts, but I am so sorry to hear this! Its crazy that we had a dinner one night and its one of the most memorable times in my life and loved the experience. I had great times, overlooking the bad. I hope you're alright.
Last edited by Obsidian-moth; Nov 06 2018 at 10:11 PM.
That,Rashka girl;
My UI causes people to make vomit noises.
I murder people's well thought out names. I always master loot.
I go into robot voice, a lot. So much so that now my Kinship and raiding team call me Navbot, the robot overlord.
I love rp.
I pvp to techno.
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear this Jaiyne. My condolences.
Here I am creating a new freep on the legendary server to check it out, and thinking of what happened to Landy PVP only to see all these names I remember. IWill see if the Legendary Server sparks any new life and hopefully pvmp gets added.
For all our drama and shenanigans (thank you both for putting up with my 14 year old self) one of my most treasured moments in LOTRO was reconnecting with Lee at during Ashes of Osgiliath when I was looking for someone to craft me a one-handed sword. Certainly brought back some memories. Thinking back I was a very lucky kid to be part of the community on Landroval, and Lee was a big part of that community. Since I'd never heard of moonshine before I met Lee, I'd raise a glass if I had some. He'll have to settle for bourbon.
I can't imagine what you're going through, but I hope his and your family are surrounding you as well at this time.
Hey Beanz,
This is heartbreaking news for me. In my best memories of the moors, Leekae was always there. Along with You, Budhorn and daddy Naug. It is comfort to know he was surrounded by love in his final moments. Pouncival will light many Hair Gel scented candles in remembrance.
Walk in quiet meadows Leekae.
Pounicval (and Aedon)
From A Very Pouncy Christmas. One more time for The shing shing king.
Leekae The Elf Champ
Was a jolly shing shing soul
With his pouty mouth and his long straight nose
And his eyes as black as coal
Leekae the Elf Champ
Was a killer so they say
But his golden locks
brought a few hard knocks
for their tangled unkempt ways
There must have been some magic
In that jar of gel he bought
For when he combed it through his hair
He got the look he sought
Then Leekae the Elf Champ
Was as fine as he could be
And the creeps all say
That if looks could slay
He will be the death of me.
Last edited by Aedon; Nov 20 2018 at 04:37 PM.
Landroval Music Community
Pouncival-Rank 15 aroo-Leader of the Pouncing Pwny
We Pounce Because We Care
Not sure how i ended up logging into these forums this afternoon. it is just a space that probably brings me back to the good old days more than installing the game and jumping around for an hour would do.
Great to see a lot of old friends in these threads alive and kicking, i hope the others that are no longer with us are resting well.
When toulouse ends up reading this thread in a year from now (i know you do this time machine trip every now and then too) hit me up for that hangout man, i owe you a beer from last time.
anyone else i dont connect with elsewhere anymore should find me on steam or something under giant swan
Acidacidacid is from the Southern parts of Mirkwood, Her choice in Vocation is a Bear Shepherd.
Tielwyn is an OG karaoke star
Wargs could be the last Crimson Maw
I'm playing on Ithil right now, but there is no PVP, so I might drop in for some PVP here or there.