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Thread: Burglar healing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Burglar healing

    Maybe it's me, but it seems like the self healing on Burglars is sub-optimal in all the specs.

    Is there any way to increase the healing or is this one of those things that is going to be looked at when the next round of balancing comes around ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hythel45 View Post
    Maybe it's me, but it seems like the self healing on Burglars is sub-optimal in all the specs.

    Is there any way to increase the healing or is this one of those things that is going to be looked at when the next round of balancing comes around ?
    Only worthwhile way to increase the heals is slot the Healing relic on your Burg tools and for more personal self healing raise your incoming healing rating (again burg tools outside of essence).
    lil 'obbit of Evernight..

    The Ascensio

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Burglar self heals are fine when leveling up I think, though they do seem to gradually get worse at higher levels!

    At level cap it feels self heals are pretty much nonexistant, and to see 254 morale ticks is no fun at the morale levels we have these days!

    I think in red line our self heals are around 2500 morale on crit, which usually is at the start of a fight when we don't need a heal anyway, followed by 12 seconds of around 250 morale ticks every two seconds. Around 5000 morale every 12 seconds is not a lot considering the damage one can receive in that time!

    I think the main issues is, that we do not get a % based heal from our max morale!

    For landscape we do have a lot of cc skills we can use to mitigate the fact we have such poor heals, which means we are less dependent on them there, but I do think our self heals should be addressed to some extent in the class balance changes that will come!

    Especially when you consider how much self healing a class like the hunter can do these days, while they have the range advantage and rarely need to deal with the game mechanics that come with being in melee range!!

    Personally I would like to see at least the yellow burg have it's heals increased, so that they can be a bit more viable as an off healer.

    Though I wonder what amount of healing they should be able to do, as morale pools vary so much between different classes!

    Edit: I do still use the tier 7 gambler essence as well, and I'm still happy when it procs! I think that does tell someting about the state of burglar self heals!
    Last edited by Elwenwing; Jul 13 2018 at 06:10 PM.



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