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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Music : Improving Songbook plugin


    I'm studying and working on the Songbook plugin.

    I'm trying to find a solution to long named song and track names.

    * We are in the case of - party - multi-players, in felowship, to play sync.

    - Songbook plugin is using the chat handler to know which track a player is ready to play. It's very useful to have each player's songbook updated with the current track each player is sync to.

    * The shorcut button to click and send to the chat by the player is : /play /"[songname]" x[:number of the track] sync
    * In the chat window, the x[:number of the track] is translated as its real name.

    - Problem :

    Even if the chat message should be : [PlayerName] is ready to play "WESTERNHAGEN - WEIL ICH DICH LIEBE (MA)(1) (4:38) - Lonely Mountain Bassoon",

    the client chat message is : [PlayerName] is ready to play "WESTERNHAGEN - WEIL ICH DICH LIEBE (MA)(1) (4:38) - Lonely Moun."

    That because, chat message, for track to play, seems to be limited to 63 characters/letters.

    - Keep in minds that, problem is not for the local player, but to have a kind of x-crossing communication between each players Songbook plugins, with all the LOTRO Lua limitations (like automated bots) :

    - Do you know any ways to have the full long named track in the chat ?

    - Or any ways to have the x:number instead of its "translated" name ?

    - Or any other mechanism which I did not think ?

    To your shruwdness ./toasts


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    No, unfortunately. The only workaround I can think of is to send the same information in a chat message, e.g. in raid/fellowship chat or a user-defined chat channel. That of course requires an additional click from the user.



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