Want to know more about the bands you've heard playing music in Crickhollow? Want to know about upcoming Scheduled music Concerts? Want more information about some of Crickhollow's biggest upcoming Music Events? Want to see and hear videos of past events? Do you have a new band and wish to be more in touch with the entire Music Community on Crickhollow? Want to know the next Theme for Bread & Jam Theme Nights? Want to actually vote on the next Theme? Want others to know more about your own band?

Crickhollow Music is a website dedicated towards anything dealing with Music or Bands from, or performing in, Crickhollow. What started as a means to organize some of Second Breakfast's two largest Music Events, has turned into a Hub for all Crickhollow musicians and all fans of Music on Crickhollow!

We have an updated list of nearly every single Crickhollow band, or band that has performed on Crickhollow, from bands that you've heard and no longer play, to bands that have just recently started playing.

A Main page where bands can post posters for scheduled events; weekly, monthly, or one-shot.

An individual page for every band, to post pictures of their band, and answer optional questions about the band.

A Gallery for posting pictures of concerts and events, Forums, Chatbox, and a Monthly Poll!

So, if you haven't heard about it, check out Crickhollow Music! And if you've been there before, come see how it's changed!

Crickhollow Music is run by Second Breakfast, but for every Band or fan of music on Crickhollow!