" ... and is an outright insta-kill on Tier 3 and higher."
" ... and 3 attacks on Tier 3 and higher."

"Tier 3 and higher"

Sounds like SSG is thinking about adding T4/T5 to the Remmorchant Raid just like they do in 3man and 6man instances which most likely means there will be Scion Buffs in the Remmorchant Raid.

This is very worrying. T4 and T5 Scion Buffs aren't fun, they aren't a challenge, they aren't interesting. They simply are an RNG based way to artificially stretch out content and make it appear "harder" than it actually is.

DO NOT ADD SCION BUFFS TO ANY RAID EVER !!! Imagine getting a RNG based heal-scion buff on a trash add that will make the boss heal to Full again and makes your group wipe without you actually making any mistake ... RNG is RNG.

Besides the Scions being a badly designed "mechanic", adding more difficulty tiers does not bring more choice or challenge at all. People that raid T3 will go for T5 and People that never raided T3 before won't go for it anyways. T3 will be irrelevant once T5 is here and T4 was never being raided to begin with.