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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Returning Player Looking for Advice


    I stopped playing shortly after Moria came out many moons ago (had a 47 lore master and 51 warden) on Landroval. I am now getting back into the game with a new toon (starting level 1) but have limited play time and am planning to mostly solo and focus on the story quests. I know I want to go High Elf for race and play a melee class, but I feel I don't know enough about the current game to pick a class. Any advice would be welcome. As I am on a RE server, RP concerns are relevant (i.e., if a class doesn't make as much sense from a lore perspective, I am less inclined to play it). For example, from what I have read it looks like Captain hasn't been updated to deal with HE (such as no HE heralds). As to Champion, I have read a lot about weapon swapping, is this immersion breaking? Also, do any of the origins make more sense for a given class?

    Also, any advice on professions? My lore master was a jeweler so I am thinking maybe armorer?

    Finally, any thoughts on a RP background for the character would be welcome.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    There are elven herald skins you can use. I don't know that they are explicitly high elven, but can anyone really tell the difference between elves?

    You can be double-guilded now, so an armorer is a great choice to have both metalsmithing and tailoring. You'll just need an alt to process the hides you collect from wolves and such naturally as you level.

    I am 0% RP and cant imagine how much immersion you could have to break in the first place with weapons swapping. But in practical terms, you're bouncing between wielding two 1H and one 2H every few seconds. If you choose to go that route. You'll never be better than OK in group content without swapping, but it may not be necessary depending on your goals in the game.
    Argendauss, Captain
    Rechart, Warden
    Hrodgart, Beorning
    Gunnart, Guardian

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Thanks for the tips. My belief about heralds was based upon an old forum post for 2019 where someone said that the elf heralds were on the Beta server but some or all didn't make it over to the main game and that the wiki doesn't have them listed under Captain pets. I might have to give Captains a second look then. Honestly, the weapon switching seems like a bore so I think I am not between guard and captain. What does double-guilded mean?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I wouldn't worry about weapon swapping on a champ, I never weapon swap on my lvl 130 champ and only have 1 set of LIs yet despite what the forums might lead you to believe, they are fine and very enjoyable to play.
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Matteo1234567890 View Post
    What does double-guilded mean?

    I believe he is referring to the fact that now you can join two of the crafting guilds which is a recent change. Before you had to choose just one and hence required more characters to cover all the guilds. For ideas on what characters have done in the past for background check out the Laurelin Archives in my signature below. I am guessing from your OP that you are on Landroval, but the stories and character backgrounds shown on the site you still might find inspiring.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Khalis_Laurelin View Post
    I believe he is referring to the fact that now you can join two of the crafting guilds which is a recent change. Before you had to choose just one and hence required more characters to cover all the guilds. For ideas on what characters have done in the past for background check out the Laurelin Archives in my signature below. I am guessing from your OP that you are on Landroval, but the stories and character backgrounds shown on the site you still might find inspiring.
    Nice, didn't know that.



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