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  1. #1

    Lore Master and Burg

    I have raised a burg and lore master to mid-level (81 - 83) range and am trying to decide which to level first. I enjoy both of them for different reasons, but my grouping experience with them is limited as is my gaming time (which is why only one is likely to get leveled in the next couple of years). I was once a fairly hardcore player but I am unlikely to do serious top-tier raiding any longer. I expect to do occasional tier one raiding, plus more frequent six and three mans. I am happy playing support - I want to play support - but let's face it, solo play doesn't tell you much about the experience of playing support. So my questions:

    Which is easier to find pugs with? In particular, which is easier to find three and six man pugs with (the logic here is that in a raid I know I will be debuffing, in a six or three man, my role may be less obvious)?

    What role do LMs typically play in three and six mans?

    Which, in general, is going to be the more faster to level through landscape?

    Which, in general, is easier to play in groups?

    Other thoughts? Points of comparison?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Playing landscape with burg more easy and faster.

    In most of instances, LM working as healer/debuff, when burg can be either debuff or DPS depends of team. Of course, LM can DPS with red, but it's slow, laggy and boring. Burg can overdps LM with easy.

    For 3-man instances, LM can be heal. Depends on instance and tank, if you have captain it's ok, if you have warden or guardian you need spend more time into heals. For 6-man instances, IMHO, you have more chances for LM, instances can be completed without burg.

    For raid, you can done it without burg, but LM provide better support. Some bosses need both burg and LM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Either way you are gonna be expected to play a support class(not red) unless you are the 2nd burg/lm.

    Both needed for the hardest raid content
    Burg far more fun solo and in moors.
    LM far more useful in 3 mans, flat out OVER POWERED actually(really fun to play this way)



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