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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    When is the best time to use the Coda?

    Should I be getting my three ballads up, then the anthems, then using my cries (to make use of the ballad buffs), and finish with the coda last?

    Or should I be doing three ballads, anthems, then coda (which also gives a buff), then cries?

    In other words, do my cries benefit more from the ballad buffs or the coda buff?

    I've been enjoying my solo red line minstrel for years, but I have never quite understood this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I'm no pro minstrel or anything but each Ballad gives you a stacking buff (2 of them actually) up to 3. So what I do is alternate Minor Ballad -> Piercing Cry -> Minor Ballad (Piercing Cry/any other cry or call if Piercing Cry is not reset) etc..etc.. Once I have 3 ballad buffs up and Coda is activated you can then do Coda -> Cry of the Chorus -> all other big hitting skills. Coda puts up a damage buff that you want to use and you immediately want those ballad buffs back up when Coda consumes them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    So it sounds like you try to take advantage of both buffs by alternating?

    I'm surprised by how hard a time I've had tried to answer this question! I've googled the heck out of it but all I'm finding is people contradicting each other with different advice. Maybe it just doesn't matter all that much in the end.

    Thanks for your help!



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