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Thread: Update 30

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Update 30

    Ugh. This upsets me so much. Raid balance is killing solo and small fellowship play.

    Classes are nerfed again --LM, Burg, Captain... All for Raid balance. What about solo content, what about small fellowship?
    I can see nerfing characters who might be overpowered in a solo context.

    My Captain is already slow slow slow to run on landscape for quests. Do we have to make it slower? My Captain can't even finish some of the missions because DPS in Red is too low to keep up with spawn rates.
    * Should I just respec Telling mark out and get more healing?
    * Loss of vitality on yellow? Are they serious? They just want to make sure that in any instance, a boss can one-shot the captain? What's the point?

    Loremasters and Burglars debuffs are completely wiped out...
    Debuffing classes do not solo as well, now they're getting worse?
    The only thing those classes are good at is raiding, and now that's gone.

    They've already ruined the fun of raids with too many insta-kill mechanics. Now they want to nerf classes who do really good before they get insta-killed.
    Hello... There's this HUGE amount of LOTRO content called quest-lines, which could be cool, but the more you nerf classes for a few broken raids, the more slow, grindy, and un-fun the majority of the game becomes.

    Quit killing classes, and just balance the raids.
    Last edited by MagicVoice; Jun 08 2021 at 11:26 PM.



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