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Thread: Spend or Wait?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Spend or Wait?

    It just doesn't seem to be cost effective to spend Ancient Script now on 121 stuff, when I could just wait until November, hit 131, and get much better stuff for my money. Any thoughts? The purple (Rare) 131 stuff is sooo much better than Legendary 121 stuff...even the yellow 131 stuff is better...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Wait unless you want to see how it works etc...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    If you're able to barter for Traceries of incomparable quality, you should probably do that. Once Gundabad hits you can improve their item level to the same cap the 131 Traceries have, which means the secondary stat will be the same. The primary stat only depends on the quality, so incomparable is better than rare or uncommon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    How did this work for you? Did you wait to hit 131 before claiming your Legendaries? What were you able to do with the shattered Morgul Traceries you got?

    I'm close to 131 and decided to stop until I see how others did. Right now both my (maxed) LIs will give me 9 shattered Morgul Traceries - enough for Legendary quality on both items (though 3 short for fully completing them).

    Levelling to 131 and then reforging should set the LI's to the 131 tier, I suspect the original LIs will not update beyond Morgul Traceries so I doubt I can slot the Morgul Traceries if I do this. I'm also hearing that levelling up your LI makes your older traceries stop functioning.

    I think it may be wise to Claim now (130) and slot everything to the 121 Level and not reforge until further information is available.

    What have you others found on this?


    Grinthalion of Landroval, Grin of Treebeard

    Author of useful Sindarin phrases for travellers in elf-lands:

    "Aniron galenas" = "Would you have any pipeweed?"
    "Im innas úgar sen galenas ten rhibi!" = "I will not buy this pipeweed, it is scratched!"
    "Im na alanann gwaur" = "I am no longer infected"



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