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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Enable More Ways For New LIs To Be Used

    The new LI system gives us no way to get the actual traceries that we actually need or want. We cannot earn Shattered, Cracked Traceries except at the end of an Epic line which will not be enough to give us what we need. The costs of Ancient Script to barter for one that you want is so high that you have to spam something 10-15 times just to have enough to barter for one (which consumes our Instance locks as well), if you had Shattered, Cracked, etc. Traceries, which we can't get. Providing that by some miracle that SS T2 RNG farming a bazillion times works for us, we out level our stuff anyways and will have to re-do everything we've done in the future, it's a much worse grind than the previous system. What I propose to address this is to add in these Traceries to appropriately tiered content and to either reduce the cost of Traceries in terms of Ancient Script or increase how much Ancient Script we get deconstructing a Tracery. Another solution is to allow instances to drop Tracery Selection Boxes, its rarity based on the tier of the Instance. I know that the LI tracker reward thing will be coming in the new year at some point, but until that day comes, loads of players can't even play their characters until something is done, because the appraisal system was not a 1:1, nor a 1:2 ratio, but even worse! So, please help us out, make it just a tad more possible for players of all levels. Thanks for listening!
    Last edited by ultimatemanwe; Dec 02 2021 at 12:05 PM.



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