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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Stuck Bagpipe Drones - simple solution

    Hey there,

    we all know the issue of bag pipe drones that sometimes get stuck and go on forever. I found a quick and dirty solution for that: intentional overloading of the music system.

    It can be easily done using the following ABC played on a lute, harp, theorbo or travellers trusty fiddle. It is just the quickest possible sequence of 6 tone chords played at minimum volume level to not totally annoy everyone around. Just play this between the songs on a concert and you will clean out all the stuck bagpipe drones your audience might have.

    X: 1
    T: Pipecleaner [lute of the ages] 0:03
    Z: composed and arranged by Bruzo Willis [Public Domain]
    L: 1/8
    Q: 125
    K: C
    Bruzo, Dwarrowdelf Minstrel ~ "A Rock & a Hard Place"

  2. #2
    This overloading-abc was used last evening at our concert on Gwaihir when some, or all, got the sustained bagpipes note.
    I can hereby confirm, that it seems to work as intended.

    A shame that we have to use work-arounds though. Now, if only we could rid of the server-side lag... but that's another story. Or is it?
    Sev ... Member and founder of Instant Play. Concert every Monday 19:00-20:00 CET (13:00-14:00 server time) at The Methel Stage on Gwaihir.
    Alles Musik oder was!
    Instant Play YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Quasquid/



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