Seems like this year, they have some dwarves jump, walk through everyone at the festival, play several notes then 'repeat'.
This is same kinship/person has been griefing festivals with unattended macros and spam for years.
These actions aren't the actions of a story teller, or minstrel, they have no audience, or set time. They repeat their actions over and over, griefing people. They tend to climb on locations they shoudl not be, make alts so you cannot easily block their spam, and all in all have become a nuisance.

I cant understand why this is done. This isn't them trying to enjoy the game, or help others enjoy the game, this is one person multiboxing unattended macros to grief play to stop other people from enjoying the festivals and events.
If they had a spot out of the center of the festival area like any normal band woudl do, and play, a set and be done for the day, people woudl not complain.
But when you are fishing, and you see the same text spammed over and over by a 'group of macro characters' It becomes a bloody annoyance.

I have not named anyone here. We all know who is doing this. Please do not 'name' them if you reply. perhaps a gamemaster could pop in and take care of this, it is easily spotted.