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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    The Host of the Golden Wood, a mixed RP-encouraged kinship, is recruiting! [Laurelin]


    The Host of the Golden Wood is looking to rebuild. We were a small fellowship of friends - with allies from the now-forgotten Mallorn Path - journeying to aid against the advances of the Enemy. We seek new friends, allies, and potential leaders from all walks of life. We presently do not aim for much but a good little kinship to last the years, of good people who will stand ready for when the Host or our friends call.

    If you are interested, send a message to Ethuilir Mellyrnion. He resides in the Falathlorn Homesteads near Duillond, west of Yondershire.


    - - -

    *Greetings. The Host of the Golden Wood, a Mixed RP-encouraged kinship currently rebuilding, is now open for new members and potential officers. We're open to both RPers and non-RPers. [PM or mail me in-game for recruitment]

    Website: https://hotgw.shivtr.com/

    (Edit on 5/29/2022: HOTGW is now RP-encouraged instead of RP-only.)

    - - -

    Not sure if this is the right place for this. Please move the thread if it isn't. Thanks.
    Last edited by Ethuilir; May 28 2022 at 09:06 PM.
    Been playing LOTRO on and off since 4/16/2013! | - Landroval, Laurelin -

    *'Deceiver' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ0RwCzh_xI - a LOTRO fan trailer I made, with voice acting attempt

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This must be the laziest roleplaying kinship I have seen soo far.

    Come and take over our kinship and run it for us, because we do not bother doing it ourselves. Seriously?

    The roleplaying community today are filled with spectators and few who are willing to take the imitative and run things. (few gamemasters to put it in other words)
    Why would a player that are among the active parts, run your stuff, when he/she can run stuff they prefer and can control instead?

    If you want a active and well run kinship, you need to commit and do stuff yourself and never expect too much help from others.
    The majority of role-players are soo lazy that they rarely level up beyond level 30 and hangs in Bree or the pony all day long.

    Get them to level up for Lothlorien and be a active part as well, that is a tall order!
    The lazy ones will most likely join Vanimar since that is the most active elven rp kinship and maybe the easiest to join (compared to Loth-I-Lonnath).

    Some time ago, several American role-players complaining that most of the arranged roleplaying events on the Laurelin server (European rp server) didn't fit their time zone.
    Well bohoo! Arrange it yourself. You cant expect a European player to stay up in the late hours, doing stuff for you. That somebody even voice such an opinion, speaks in volume how lazy and selfish people can be.

    One advice, when you see such role-players, make sure to put them on a list over people you do not want in your kinship.
    They are most likely to bring drama into the fold (you do not want that) and they usually leave, slamming the door or quietly suddenly leave, because they have become bored and ventured to do something else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    lol Why are you venting here and accusing people of being lazy? I just wanted to throw the message out there and be transparent with it. Life is life and often our games take the backseat. I also have no expectations. You're literally the first unfriendly response across all platforms regarding this.

    People come and go all the time. If anyone wants to eventually inherit the kinship name, it's theirs to have. This is not a "Take it 'cause we can't run it anymore". This is a "Just in case, you want in, step up". It's effort from both their and my end. I'll also still be overseeing things as necessary 'cause I wouldn't want to leave the kinship in problematic hands.
    Last edited by Ethuilir; Jul 08 2022 at 01:21 PM.
    Been playing LOTRO on and off since 4/16/2013! | - Landroval, Laurelin -

    *'Deceiver' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ0RwCzh_xI - a LOTRO fan trailer I made, with voice acting attempt



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