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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Need advise for my class choice


    I hope someone can help me with my "problem". Played actively up to lvl 100. Means including raids, on T2 at that time with Challenge mode. Since then, I've only checked in fronm time to time and played a little. I have a char (Warden) at lvl 140, but I'm just thinking about what I should play as "Main". It's not the Warden, since he's nowadays more of a DPS class and no longer a tank. So I'm looking for a class with which I could theoretically play any content at maximum difficulty (i.e. up to T5). Now that I'm not into the game anymore, I need some advice from you guys on a few classes. I am primarily interested in the experiences in 3man/6man dungeons up to T5 and the raid. I don't really have up-to-date information, so thats wyh I'm asking here.

    I rule out DPS classes as a main for now. Was never so interested in the area to be really good. I just like the Warden, but I would only want to play him as a tank, but he's probably not that strong there anymore.

    Loremaster: I used to do some raids. I like the idea of ??the class. Then checked and noticed that he probably has a lot to do with changing pets in the raid, which I don't like. I also don't really know how to use him in the dungeons, especially in the 3mans. Hear he is played as a healer there, but dont know how good/and high he can be played there

    Burglar: Always found it very interesting and, as I've read, probably still used in yellow for raids. But also ask here how it looks in the 3/6 man dungeons.

    Runekeeper/Beorninger: I would be interested in the healing up to T5 for both and whether it is sufficient. The Beorninger I had read is probably a good raid healer, but does this also apply to normal 3/6 man dungeons? Also, I'm not sure if I like the Beorning's form-shifting the whole time.

    Minstrel: I always liked the concept of buffing and music. There have been quite a few changes over time, and now some big ones too. So what's the current situation with the Minstrel?

    To the tanks:

    Guardian/Captain seem to be the two strongest tanks. If I read it correctly, the Guardian can withstand more, the Captain heals himself. What more differences are there between the two, because when I played the captain the last time actively, he wasn't actually a tank, but he was good at healing the 3man dungeons in blue. This means that guardian only has the blue line in group play, but how far are the other lines used by the captain. Is the blue line good for healing content and the red line used for buffing anymore?

    brawlers No idea if it's used in any big way. Is still the newest class and has probably some changes behind it.

    I know the balancing can change at any time, but I would just be interested in the status now. If someone could help me with this as a whole or with individual points I would be very grateful. I hope the questions are easy to understand because I don't have to write in English that often and my grammar is certainly far from good.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    My main is a loremaster so I can speak to that. In raids or 6 mans we're used as support for debuffs and some CC. Pretty sure we're viable all the way to T5, but I don't raid that high up so I don't really know. For 3 mans, we're pegged as healers, but we only have a couple heals plus our debuffs so we're not great at it. You might be able to go DPS, depending how patient your group mates are. I haven't been able to beat the current 3 mans on T3+. Some LMs have, but we're not a popular choice for high tier 3 mans.

    Burgs go yellow for support in raids. I think for 3/6 mans they go DPS, sometimes some CC if the instance demands it.

    Guards and captains are both viable tanks. Brawlers are too, though they are best at tanking single targets and struggle with groups of mobs. Wardens are still not viable tanks, unfortunately, outside of T1. Maybe a really good warden could tank T2 of the latest raid but it'd be tough. T3+ forget about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for your answer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Malaras View Post
    Greetings, ...

    Captain has a bit more flexibility in possible roles, whereas the guardian has more "Oh ####" buttons to make life easy. The biggest selling point of a guardian is that beefy shield. If that doens't sell to you, then why not go for Captain Captain Yellow and red are viable today. Blueline is also fun to play around with, and has sufficed in the past for me with most 3-mans and some 6man.



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