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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Thinking of Burglars (mostly yellow)

    Some of my thinking on Burglar.

    Burglar damage needs to be up across the board.

    -Reasoning: Burglar is melee range and because of that in range of all attacks of all enemies.
    Quite simply there must be some benefit to that.
    -If thinking is that Burglars have powerful de-buffs. Well Burglar de-buffs are not that powerful and range is also short.

    Burglars have to deal good damage and be able to use more de-buffs.
    Otherwise champ and hunter deal a lot more damage, lore master has a lot better de-buffs and warden has a lot better bleeds. There are obviously other classes that are more effective in corruption removal and healing as well.

    -What does Burglar have to compensate for taking 2nd and sometimes 3rd spot in any category? Well we also have to pretty much stand on the enemy spot in melee range and so on Nothing really apart from stealth which in many ways is a kind of very fun but very passive ability. (you can not kill a target by watching them from stealth) There are also things that break burglar out of stealth, they are all over the place.

    Beloved Yellow line. It has real excellent feel and great use and all. But to have use for some abilities (like healing, which currently is very small, so not used) one has to play a trick on the enemy and then remove it.
    And this is a fine mechanic and there is no problem with this apart from limitation on the number of tricks used at same time.

    So, if without use of Trickster one can have one trick ongoing and to do anything more it has to be removed. This mechanic is very restrictive. As we have 4 basic tricks used: enrage; disable; counter offense and dust in the eyes AND ability to use startling twist or healing is NOT dependent on what active trick is removed.
    Well, please allow for more active tricks to be used in the same time.

    An idea on how to go about it:
    Without use of trickster a yellow line burglar should be able to have 3 active, one of a kind tricks in the same time. With use of the Trickster Tricks are AOE (as it is now) and same trick can be stacked 2 times. So for example one can have active on the enemy: enrage+enrage+1 more trick.

    Counter defense is a trick that no one uses because it requires traiting and offers no damage or de-buff to look forward to. It's only possible benefit is that it is ranged. But the range is short 16.5 M. So, no one is trating it.

    In yellow line we always think of using Subtle stab. Because of Opportunist ability which causes increased damage on an enemy that has active trick on them. This needs to be made way, WAY more dramatic. It also should cut Subtle Stab CD to 1sec.

    I know there is work on the healing and clever retort done. Will have to see it when I see it. Thank you.

    Bob and Weave.

    Make Blue line Bob and Weave healing available to other 2 trait tree lines if it is traited in the blue. In other words remove it from blue line trait passives and make burglar's basic it trait that could be obtained by all trait tree lines by going into blue.

    Since evade is one of the abilities that is ineffective and so easily bypassed, this would not affect much change, but at least some.


    Make safe fall not break Burglars out of stealth
    Last edited by Areyekuwe; Nov 11 2022 at 05:40 AM.



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