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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Creep Traceries/Specs (and small Defiler wish list)

    If a tracery-like mechanic or a way to spec more deeply into a chosen playstyle were to be implemented for creeps, here's what I wish for on my Defiler to better balance healing across the two factions:

    1. A tracery to reduce inductions (stacking on top of the reductions with Blogmal blessing). I can stack reduced inductions with both 3 piece raid set (-10%) and 2 traceries (-8% + -5% *2) on my freeps. My minstrel practically insta-casts BC and FH with the bonuses in blue line to reduce cast time on top of stacking -inductions gear.
    2. A spec option to reduce the CD on Fell Restoration by 5 seconds and add an area HoT
    3. A spec to cast Enhanced Efflorescence on a target (independent of group), rather than just in my own group. Our one strong area HoT is mostly wasted on the player who needs it if they are out of group. We only have ONE long CD (30 seconds) single target big heal.

    These are my spec wishes.

    What are yours?
    [Retired 2012] ** R13 Minstrel ** Guardians of the Dagorlad ** Jaiyne <3

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Gillianrial View Post
    If a tracery-like mechanic or a way to spec more deeply into a chosen playstyle were to be implemented for creeps, here's what I wish for on my Defiler to better balance healing across the two factions:

    1. A tracery to reduce inductions (stacking on top of the reductions with Blogmal blessing). I can stack reduced inductions with both 3 piece raid set (-10%) and 2 traceries (-8% + -5% *2) on my freeps. My minstrel practically insta-casts BC and FH with the bonuses in blue line to reduce cast time on top of stacking -inductions gear.
    2. A spec option to reduce the CD on Fell Restoration by 5 seconds and add an area HoT
    3. A spec to cast Enhanced Efflorescence on a target (independent of group), rather than just in my own group. Our one strong area HoT is mostly wasted on the player who needs it if they are out of group. We only have ONE long CD (30 seconds) single target big heal.

    These are my spec wishes.

    What are yours?
    Don't give them anymore ideas, PvMP is already mucked up atm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ScoobySnackz View Post
    Don't give them anymore ideas, PvMP is already mucked up atm.
    ~ Xotik ~



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