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Thread: Daily Chat Wars

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Angry Daily Chat Wars

    Sorry, of course.
    But this is impossible!
    Every day to listen to swearing in the chat! Constant political clashes! Constantly some swear with others! Endlessly!

    These horrible people come here for work! I think someone is paying them to incite hatred!!

    I have a big question! Why doesn't support do anything with them?? It's unbearable!
    It's a RP server! RP! Games Lord of the Rings online! This is not a UN Headquarters RP server!

    Please do not tell about the black list and the like. Not many people play on the server! I already had more than 20 on the blacklist. Whom to play with? if everyone is blacklisted?
    I can't disable the chat either! Sometimes all sorts of events are held and it is written about it in the chat!
    Until support starts to somehow deal with this, this will all continue.
    I tried to play on other servers. Not much, of course. But there I did not notice such disputes. It feels like they are trying to kick everyone out of this server.
    But I love RP! And I love this server! But every day I want to play less and less.

    Once again I apologize. But this is unbearable. What a wonderful community of this game has become. My Soul Hurts.
    Remain human (or any other representatives of this wonderful world of The Lord of the Rings Online) <3

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    1: Roleplaying on this server is encouraged, NOT enforced.
    2: if you don't want to read that kinda chat, turn the channel off.... it's really not that difficult....

    If you want things to be fixed/people to be banned/warned etc: report it to SSG....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The majority of people who roleplay on Laurelin have WC turned off.
    Also most of the rp information is not shared there, just because of the trolls lingering in the channel.

    Join the discords that cover rp and Laurelin Archives, if you are in search for rp. NEVEREVER the World chat.

    Beside that, use your ignore function. There are room for several hundreds troll there. That you only have 20 on it, mean you need to sort out a few more.

    I get the feeling you are new to this game, since you search for rp in the World chat? Is that the case?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    World is less toxic on Landroval but in any case I just keep it confined to its own tab to check for neat freebies- people give spare things away fairly often. Or just mute it entirely. I've never seen anyone swearing on it but I'm sure that happens. People use it as a pressure valve I think. A streetcorner to rant and rave on.



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