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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Quick observation on guardian.

    This is a massive comment that I have managed to skim down to a fast few words on the terrible state of the Guardian class at this time, especially when used for leveling and damaging purposes.

    In comparison to using a Rune Keeper nowadays with which you can pretty much one-shot the whole map with Epic Conclusion, yet the Guardian, for red/damage needs, is still no more use than my grandmothers old cigarette stubs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Because Guardians damage comes from Bleeds, Overwhelm and a bit later on, Hammer Down.

    It gets a lot better later on.
    "Not all those who wander are lost....some are so stubborn that they always think they're going in the right direction."

    "The 4th age is the store age" - Hetweith

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Or a Shield-smash to end the fight in the same time it takes for bleeds to reach their zenith? Depends on the length of the fights you face. Waiting on a 30 CD Epic Conclusion may not be applicable either.

    Bring the build to suit the content you are facing and it's cadence. I'm not one for waiting between pulls to heal up so stuns and stones are more my thing to reduce incoming and set my own pace.

    I miss the heyday of spreading bleeds on every mob in the dungeon and prey to survive it, that is not this day, though! The trend seems to be for mobs to require more of our attention so the fire and forget of old maybe not so suitable at some point. Not being unnecessarily hit appeals to me more than damage numbers however.



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