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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Hunter Update - Option #3 (Unofficial)

    I'm sure a lot of people are in the same boat where they're not the biggest fan of the current 2 rework options. I believe that blue line should stay. I also believe it shouldn't lean too much in to melee like is being proposed. Instead I believe blue line should lean more in to stealth + aoe - both things which lean in to its speciality for landscape content (although it could have niche applications in instances due to an aoe focus).

    I believe red should stay mostly unchanged.

    I believe yellow deserves some buffs and tweaks to make it viable but the overall gameplay design is fun already.

    Here's my proposal for modified trait set bonuses:

    In addition to this I would modify some traits within each line.

    For blue line:

    I would swap rain of arrows and exsanguinate around so blue line becomes better at AoE, while red line gets more, accessible single target bleeds.

    Rapid fire would convert barrage to an AoE skill. (Champ would still be the best at AoE, but it'd give blue line an area where it could be viable in instances).

    For red line:

    Remove bodkin arrows and replace with: Ranged skills have a X% chance to trigger a bleed

    For yellow line:

    explosive arrow should also cause a bleed and incoming fire damage debuff

    rather than buffing parry/evade, endurance should provide a damage preventing bubble equivalent to warg flayer stance

    improved distracting shot should reduce cooldown such that with tracery it is up every 30s

    rather than provide extra damage, wounded prey should give merciful shot a incoming healing debuff. Edit: as someone points out that would clash with heart seeker, perhaps make merciful shot remove corruptions/interrupt?

    emergency preparations should give a skill which resets trap cooldowns instantly + maybe a heal

    I'm interested to hear people's thoughts. Please feel free to roast me if I've said dumb stuff
    Last edited by Agollas; Apr 27 2023 at 06:36 AM.



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