I must say only 1 day in that I've been enjoying the new Fair format a lot. So many quests! I've always been a fan of the fishing quests and now you can fish to your hearts content!
I must say only 1 day in that I've been enjoying the new Fair format a lot. So many quests! I've always been a fan of the fishing quests and now you can fish to your hearts content!
Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship
For those who are able to avoid the crashing and massive lag...yes...I'm sure it's enjoyable.
How can you tell? I enjoyed standing in place yesterday unable to move looking around at all the other players stuck in place as well. But that's about it.
As noted in another thread, my family and I played all evening (US Central) with no crashing or lag, in spite of the crowds of players. We have not had problems--playing in the evenings--all week. My daughter even participated in a full raid without a hitch.
From some descriptions I've seen in other threads, it seems like the most problems hit in the mornings into early afternoon. That seems odd, since one would expect the population to be higher in the evenings, which would put more stress on the servers.
Besides the server issues, I'm enjoying the festival its fun when everything is stable for moment.![]()
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server
I'm not usually a big festival guy, but I like how dense this one is. Had a fair bit of time to play, mostly spent on Thrang, all evening for CDT. Kinmates reported it was really bad early afternoon and very early next morning.
Argendauss, Captain
Rechart, Warden
Hrodgart, Beorning
Gunnart, Guardian
Last night I was apprehensive of the Faire because the night before in Mirkwood I skill lagged and then crashed and was unable to get back in the game, I had that "attempting to connect 1,2,3.." message and so on. Finding myself in a rez circle when I logged back on 3 hours later made me look like this>>>>>
Luckily the Faire worked flawlessly for me last night.
I totally get what you're saying.
"Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."
I haven't been able to do any festival stuff yet due to health reasons so I don't know if anything has been changed in the actual gameplay of the festival quests, but I just wanted to say that I feel it was a good idea to combine these specific festivals while making Farmer's Faire tokens take over.
Summer Festival has always been a grind to gather enough tokens to buy everything, while Farmer's Faire has been more relaxed and fun, and by combining them AND most importantly, moving into the new way of handling festival steeds, these two festivals should be as fun as the Midsummer Festival wasIt is a lot more exciting to play because you want to play, and not because you are forced to if you want all the rewards
I was against combining the festivals at first because I thought it meant just running two full festivals at the same time with twice the reward and half the time to get them, but combining them completely into one single festival but keeping all the content for tons of extra choices of what to do is a fantastic idea (as long as they keep to the steed changes where they won't get removed)!
Cordovan, could you please tell us if the steeds that can be bartered for tokens this festival will stay to be bartered for tokens forever, like the Midsummer Festival steeds?I think I saw them available for both tokens and Mithril so my guess is that yes they are there for tokens forever, but my brain isn't working as it should from all the pain so I might be confused and aren't sure what I actually saw
I'm hoping to get better soon so I can join the fun, but until then I'm going to at least log in my characters a few per day to get their tokens converted while I rest up![]()
;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb
OK, this confuses me. I've seen it a couple of places, and I don't know why we think Midsummer steeds might be different from other steeds with regard to the token/mithril cost. I think you're saying you saw the Midsummer steeds for both tokens and mithril? I guess I didn't notice. I've only ever bought one steed for mithril (Windfells goat, IMHO the vastly superior-looking goat model), so I don't look at mithril steeds a whole lot.
Unless we've gotten an official statement that Midsummer steeds will always be available for tokens, I'm not assuming that's true.
Since the Midsummer steeds were all recolors of the reward steed for the wedding to match various Middle Earth heraldry, it's possible *those* steeds will be available for tokens forever, but future steeds offered in the Midsummer Festival will be available for two years and the mithril after the same as the other festivals.
At any rate, I'm assuming that festival steeds will be sold like festival steeds have been sold in the past unless SSG explicitly says otherwise.
Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship
Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship
I do recall Cord, during a livestream saying that with Midsummer they were interested in starting a new trend to offer festival mounts for tokens and MC at the same time and the possibility of applying that to older mounts.
There was no other mention, ETA, or anything.. but yea.. I do remember the statement.
Home base: Gladden• LI Reward Track Season 5 •
Many people don't get what Town Crier have all farmer's faire & new stuff. Outside of that, Summer Farmers Faire working pretty well
I was under the impression that all steeds from previous festivals were going to be available for tokens - can you confirm if that will be the case or if it will only apply to new steeds?
Thanks - appreciate I might not get an answer immediately as other issues are more pressing
Anor veteran on Landroval: Ardith and Wensleydale
Learning to raid on Landroval https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...League-Kinship
Home base: Gladden• LI Reward Track Season 5 •
And that's one of the most frustrating aspects of this mess. As others have said, it doesn't seem to be effected by amount of traffic. Sometimes it's horrible. And sometimes it's almost normal. But both seem to come at absolutely random times!
So how on earth is it even possible to make any plans at all regarding the game? A person never knows if THIS time when I log in it will crash/lag etc.
lol Ah well. Thanks for the sympathy....and for the "mad faces". Definitely could relate to both.
Take care.
;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb
;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb
This is the big draw for me. Even in this unusually bad network situation everything is so short and close together I've managed to get through about one and a half full circuits of the faire. Usually I avoid them because it feels like they have you running all over the place to get anything done, but the party tree is a big dollop of goodies all at once. Actually incentivized to increase my wardrobe a bit for once!
Shjade - in various forms - on Landroval
You lucky ones! So far I haven't been able to complete a single quest (or even accept it). Tried with several toons on different accounts (which i PAY VIP for them, no LTAs).