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  1. #151
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CaerArianrhod View Post
    If PVE is irrelvant, why are some ppl complaining here about the PVE gear?
    Just don't use it. Just don't use that golden lvl 100 essences in your slotted etten essence armour. Just don't use the bufffod, the scolls etc.
    Oh wait ... you like to use all that stuff? You like to be OP. Then do not complain about PVE stuff. Pleas don't tell me, that you only play creep and never a freep, becaus i will not belive it.
    Ask Turbine to separete PVE gear from PVP gear and you have done the way half to a balanced PVP, but do not complain about the PVE stuff if you are using it in PVP!
    The only answer for such a kind of whinig is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asEP6olraAc
    wow..you are seriously still going on about this..

    at this point it is not even worth trying to explain stuff to you..the reason why i didn't even reply to you at first.

    you quoted siipperi and STILL missed their point. /alt+f4
    Fellowship Hadacar: I now have a mental image of a little pea with a NE Patriot's logo painted on it.
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  2. #152
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CaerArianrhod View Post
    If PVE is irrelvant, why are some ppl complaining here about the PVE gear?
    Just don't use it. Just don't use that golden lvl 100 essences in your slotted etten essence armour. Just don't use the bufffod, the scolls etc.
    Oh wait ... you like to use all that stuff? You like to be OP. Then do not complain about PVE stuff. Pleas don't tell me, that you only play creep and never a freep, becaus i will not belive it.
    Ask Turbine to separete PVE gear from PVP gear and you have done the way half to a balanced PVP, but do not complain about the PVE stuff if you are using it in PVP!
    The only answer for such a kind of whinig is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asEP6olraAc Yes yes, you are still the sweetest freep in Glân Vraig.
    At this point, I don't even know if you can read what has been said by numerous people thus far. The answer i'm going with is no.
    Stop trying to compare a PVP only build to PVE content. I'm just at a loss of words at this point of how you can miss an entire thread and still not understand anything that has been said.
    "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe
    LvL 100 Hunter [color=#00FA9A][b]Authiel[/color][/b] - Rank 12 Warg [color=#9370DB][b]Roly[/color][/b]
    [color=#87CEFA]Dwarrowdelf to Arkenstone[/color]

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    After a thorough read...

    .. I tip my hat to the devs for their actualization of a lot of the ideas that had been overlooked in previous updates. of course there are going to be the pvpers that (as usual) find fault in any new content on any MMO. But that's to be expected because PvP is a lot more immersive than PvE with a much narrower focus (IE: I'm sure you've all noticed that those who PvP tend to PvP exclusively with very few ever engaging in PvE with any consistency). it's just their play preferences; nuff said. And of course some people will be disappointed that there's little to nothing in the way of new instances/dungeons/raids etc.. but those are typically the same people that took issue with the lack of new crafting or upgraded LI system with the last batch of new instances/dungeons/raids with the previous update(s).

    With the bigger picture in view, I think the developers have done a great job smoothing out the rough edges of previous updates while simultaneously keeping in mind the things that the players have asked for in the past. As for the LI additions, I'm a bit perplexed as to why they leaned so heavily on the potential for spending money in the turbine store.. oh yeah.. that's right.. BECAUSE IT WORKED SO WELL IN THE PAST! yeah.. I stated the obvious.. the reason they did it that way is because so many of us (and yes that means you too) have purchased the stuff in the store in the past... keep doing what you do, you'll keep getting what you get. Just imagine what Turbine might have had to come up with if noone ever bought the LI enhancements provided in the store. Eventually they'd have had to come up with a more expeditious way to acquire them in game, and even then people would have QQ'd about the effect that would have had on the AH economy. So in a sense, they only did what the players indicated they would do.. again.. nuff said.

    Good job Turbine (no that's not sarcasm)

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CaerArianrhod View Post
    If PVE is irrelvant, why are some ppl complaining here about the PVE gear?
    Just don't use it. Just don't use that golden lvl 100 essences in your slotted etten essence armour. Just don't use the bufffod, the scolls etc.
    Oh wait ... you like to use all that stuff? You like to be OP. Then do not complain about PVE stuff. Pleas don't tell me, that you only play creep and never a freep, becaus i will not belive it.
    Ask Turbine to separete PVE gear from PVP gear and you have done the way half to a balanced PVP, but do not complain about the PVE stuff if you are using it in PVP!
    The only answer for such a kind of whinig is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asEP6olraAc Yes yes, you are still the sweetest freep in Glân Vraig.
    Just to adress if I play creep or freep and why Im corncerned of this is because I really care about this game and I would like game have good balance and interesting content for all players. I dont play creep anymore, basically at all thought I have high ranked one and really high ranked freep at that point of gaming you want to see actual fun fights instead of farming one side, since getting renown ends one day and after that is only fun factor, no sense of progression and if fun is spoiled by bad balance game isnt that fun to either side.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Feel like giving up :(

    Well, I'll be clear, I am terribly disappointed and concerned by this decision of increasing that much available tiers on imbued weapons or rather terrified by the grind coming, knowing I haven't managed to max out all my legacies YET.

    I don't know if you are aware that, many people depending on how and which class they play have sometimes two/three weapon sets. Which means three time more scrolls and so insane grind assuming they want to be effective, do pvp, t2 stuff, or simply enjoy improving their character.

    The thing is, it can't be done by "just playing", one will need to farm specific instances over and over again. And even doing that is not enough if you want to have several effective weapons maxed out - it's never enough.

    Same problem for people who have alts. The only thing stopping me from hitting cap with some of my alt is this grind, because I know I won't be able to do it, since I'm still working on it on my main.

    I also can't help but wonder how a fresh lvl 100 will manage to catch-up after U17, even find the motivation to do it : ) It's just too much. (20 scrolls pre-imbuing, then 30 scrolls, and supposedly +40 scrolls post U17 and per weapon)

    I don't mind grinding to improve a character, Lotro is a mmorpg after all, I just want a grind doable. Realistic. Because the current system isn't ( unless you only play one char).

    For this purpose you should either reconsider the cost of those scroll of empowerment in skirimish camp or/and give other ways to get them in game ( loot for example) or/and lessen the available tier for the next update.

    I hope i didn't sound rude, i'm just worried, thanks for reading
    Last edited by Aymerik; Oct 07 2015 at 10:36 PM. Reason: Spelling

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Aedfrith View Post
    I keep asking for this every release, and have done for about 2 years - an Auto Combine All button for all relics of a particular tier, assuming you have the gold and/or the shards.

    I'd also like to see some class tweaks:
    - CAPTAIN: Give yellow captains another single-target ranged force taunt.
    A single-target ranged force taunt. How would that help us tanking larger groups with a high-dps fellowship?
    What we need is a low-cooldown AoE aggro skill or even taunt that if RK & Champ with full endgame gear are bashing into a group of 6+ mobs we can actually still hold aggro over it.

    Instead of the pointless upgrade on the Muster Courage legacy, they could have given something like:
    Grave Wound taunt targets,
    Threatening shout cooldown reduction,
    %chance to reset Threatening shout on hit while Grave wound DoT is active

    ...the options are limitless!

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Still Waiting on a Blue Name Response to earlier query.

    Quote Originally Posted by Draconfier View Post
    Can we please see some way to add in the +5 Guardian targets to the new LI max tiers past lvl 35?

    As an old guardian that remembers tanking prior to trait trees I'm highly concerned about where LI's are heading for all tanking guardians with these new dps/class item lvls. 99% of the tanking guardians that I know have not imbued their tanking weapon as it causes the loss of our ability to hold aggro on large groups of trash in the few instances/raids that we continue to run. By removing this legacy upon imbuement you've forced most guardians, that understand the necessity/mechanics of their class, to skip/miss having our weapon grow with us. Now you've introduced new tiers to other classes abilities to do higher dps, while leaving us unable to catch up. Yes we generate 300% more threat damage based off the current mechanics, but if new tiers are continuously added we will be forced to choose between being able to keep our fellows alive by maintaining aggro on more than 4 trash npc's plus the boss (typical in many instances, skirmishes, raids) or potentially losing aggro on the boss/mobs becaause our 300% ttreat/buff is bypassed/caught up by the dps classes with their increased tiers of dps.

    As we are seeing on the current build perhaps you can add the +5 legacy back into the imbuement system as a tier 36 option or instead do as suggested in other threads, adding it into the passives of the tanking lines passives or active skills.

    Additionally I uderstand the necessity of continuing our Legendary Items growth, however needing 84 scrolls, 8 Anfalas crystals, and the time\ixp to relevel them to max tier for 2 LI's, seems excessive as others have stated with no apparent way to obtain the necessary scrolls to level, other than a huge grind of re-running the Dol-Amroth training exercise/other DA repeatable quests daily to obtain Silver DA tokens for empowerment scrolls. All other methods are grossly over-expensive; such as Mark/Meds versions from the skirmish vendors, via relic/shard conversions, or even the more time consuming method of running the annoying Osgilliath dailies where we have no milestone to port to, and must deal with an even more grindy quest location for lower rewards vs./time conversions to the necessary currency for scrolls.
    Still waiting on a response from one of the three Blue Names I listed, I posted this same query in the Guardian Forums (most likely won't see a response), in the Bullroarer Forums was hoping for one there, and here in the general discussion logs.

    As others have suggested it wouldn't be that hard to tie Guardians Ward Duration to Guardian's Ward Damage as a tier 36 add-on, and tie +Melee Targets into Area of Effect Damage. One is what the skill once was, and the other is tied directly to the same named skill and would make perfect sense. They would make far more sense then the currently proposed changes to Turn the Tables, Pledge, etc. that are in the 17.1 Bullroarer build.

    Please Vyvyanne, Frelorn, or Tybur answer this question?

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by United-Gamers View Post

    Je suis un joueur français et je ne maitrise pas tres bien l'anglais. Je m'exprimerais donc en français. Si quelqu'un voulait toutefois prendre le temps de traduire correctement mon propos cela serait avec plaisir.

    les points qui sont à retravailler à mon sens :

    pourquoi ne pas avoir monté les traits de vertu à 20 ?
    pourquoi ne pas avoir monté la réputation de guilde d'un nouveau niveau qui va avec la nouvelle réputation de zone (ce qui avait toujours été fait jusque-là)
    pourquoi ne pas avoir donné un nouveau tiers de reliques pour les armes légendaires alors qu'on augmente leur niveau ?
    Quel est l'interet d'avoir mis des armures craftées à 3 slots d'essence alors que les armures à 4 slots sont tellement facile à obtenir à Dol Amroth ? Pour les sets de bijoux on peut y voir un interet.
    La grande Bataille "Défense de Minas Tirith" est un peu trop rapide à mon gout et encore plus facile que la défense de Pelargir plus connue sous le nom de Pelarnoob sur certain(s) serveur(s). C'est vous dire le niveau de difficulté
    La taille de la map me semble trop petite par rapport à la taille de Minas Tirith et des Champs du Pelennor.
    J'ose esperer que lors de la sortie de la MaJ 17, Minas Tirith sera bien plus peuplée qu'elle ne l'est actuellement sur le Bullroarer

    Ca fait quand meme pas mal de choses et je ne reprends pas plusieurs choses déjà dites auparavant.

    Ce qui me semble réussi :
    Les graphismes
    L'ambiance générale est bien retranscrite

    Mon avis global est très mitigé sur cette nouvelle extension. Je trouve sa sortie précipitée et j'ai l'impression qu'il y a encore beaucoup de travail dessus pour arriver à quelque chose d'abouti et de qualité.


    [Translated from above =)]


    I am a French a player and I do not know English very well. So I am expressing this in French. However, if someone wants to take time to properly translate my remarks I would be pleased.

    the points that need reworking in my opinion:

    why not have mounted the traits under 20?
    why not add a new level guild reputation that goes with the new area of ??reputation (what has been done so far)
    why not have given a new third relic for legendary weapons in order to increase their level?
    What is the point of putting craftable armor with 3 essence slots while the armor 4 slots are so easy to get from Dol Amroth? For jewelry sets we can see an interest.
    The Great Battle "defense of Minas Tirith" is a bit too fast for my taste and even easier than defending Pelargir better known under the name of some Pelarnoob (s) server (s). That tells you the level of difficulty
    The size of the map seems too small compared to the size of Minas Tirith and Pelennor Fields.
    I dare to hope that with the release of update 17 Minas Tirith will be much more populated than it is currently on the Bullroarer

    It is anyway a lot of things and I do not rebuke many things already said before.

    What seems to me successful:
    The general atmosphere is transcribed

    My overall opinion is very mixed on this new extension. I find his hasty exit and I feel that there is still a lot of work on it to get to something successful and quality.

    Best regards

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    I love the introduction of this new slotted jewelry. That being said, I think that with the massive customizing options that would be available, the current instances (even tier2 for some of them) will be increasingly easier for some classes (if not all.) why not make the tier 2 instances harder? Why not add a tier 3 or 4 to the instances to make them extremely challenging? Anyway, just my opionion. Have fun everyone and thanks Turbine for what looks like an awesmoe update!!

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MKJP_2014 View Post
    I love the introduction of this new slotted jewelry. That being said, I think that with the massive customizing options that would be available, the current instances (even tier2 for some of them) will be increasingly easier for some classes (if not all.) why not make the tier 2 instances harder? Why not add a tier 3 or 4 to the instances to make them extremely challenging? Anyway, just my opionion. Have fun everyone and thanks Turbine for what looks like an awesmoe update!!
    Because with current turbine harder means stacking more morale on your toon instead if having good mechanics in the instance

  11. #161
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I just wish they'd fix the loot tables on the old instances as it appears we aren't getting any class based group content*. It would be nice to get something decent-essences for the new jewellery and the loot table from warbands and more medallions than from BBs , perhaps, added to the old instances. Anfalas scrolls and crystals added to the scaled raids and the challenge chests in the Osgiliath instance...Then the LI changes would be less tedious and feel less store driven.

    And the older content would be seen by people who never can get a group because 'why bother doing *insert raid here* when the rewards are much worse than a solo BB or a 3 minute sammy run gives you?'. (If the rewards were the same as a BB then doing a raid for the challenge would be fun. But few people are going to spend group time working on Smaug for example, when you get a tier 5 relic and a bounty at the end, while running sammy/fornost/Pel gives you a 100 times** that reward in the same time. That's just plain self evident.)

    The store would hardly lose out on lots of cash if so few of us raid that we aren't worth creating any content for. The instant gratification spenders would still spend on maxing LIs for PvP or whatever reason they have. (Clearly not needed for the new BB). BUT there would be an alternative group path for new 100/alts getting geared up that doesn't involve regrinding the DA dailies for recipes/scrolls, grinding old BBs for the jewellery/essences and Sammy/Fornost for the marks, for months and months and months an months. Don't you Turbine folks want people to see the content you made only a couple of years ago? There are lots of people with level 100 alts who have never doen any of the Erebor cluster. Let alone seen inside the RoI instances, which is such a pity...

    Anyway, back on topic: Minas Tirith looks great. Another epic battle as the main group content makes me sad. LI grind-meh. Don't need it if all we are getting is a BB. Crafting-jewellers finally have something to make, worth having a guild jeweller for-thanks for that. Perhaps you could add an instrument recipe to woodworkers? Then minis could upgrade their level 90 instruments-something with morale resistance, mits and crit defence perhaps, (or even stealthed stalker lock up immunity) for PvP

    edit: I am not going to comment on the minstrel changes. I have said it all in a 1000 posts since HD. Clearly the dev plays a different game from the one played by most minstrels I know. But please make it clear from the creation panel that the class is now very simple and is designed exclusively for first timers or for relaxation while watching tv.
    * (I don't count BBs as class based group content, not even Pelargir, although that is the only one I can stand doing semi regularly.)
    **numbers made up. You know what I mean though. It's called rhetoric. :P
    Last edited by Calta; Oct 08 2015 at 01:53 PM.

    And the minstrel sang to them……”and they passed in thought out to regions where pain and delight flow together and tears are the very wine of blessedness.”

  12. #162
    Perhaps you could add an instrument recipe to woodworkers? Then minis could upgrade their level 90 instruments-something with morale resistance, mits and crit defence perhaps, (or even stealthed stalker lock up immunity) for PvP
    There definitely needs to be new minstrel instrument recipes with better stats than the level 90 ones - if Hunters, Burgs, Cappies are all getting level 100 class items with upgraded stats, we minstrels need them too!

  13. #163
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Easiest solution for the too good equipment is changing rating to percentage formulas :P
    I dont like caps anyway. There are enough threads suggesting good changes in that direction.
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  14. #164
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    Sep 2007

    World Status: Closed

    Is Bullroarer up right now? I've been trying to connect for the past 3 days but everytime I do the world has been closed. Is it just a problem on my end?
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  15. #165
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    It's usually up only on weekends.

  16. #166
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    only open on weekends but also wanna add their probably gonna do a new build this weekend


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