well here's my 2 silver worth...

There were loads of threads about this when F2P came along - all got closed but it comes down to a few view points.

1. It's OK for gasoline to cost XXX because you don't have to drive anywhere - you can walk.

2. It's OK for housing to cost XXX because you can always camp out under a bridge and only a fool would buy a house.

3. It's OK for something to cost XXX when it costs ZZZ to produce because you are only the consumer and the CEO needs a new Dacha.

4. Hey, you! You got a deal that no one else got! Insider Trader! <grrrr>

I too am a founder and lifer... I will play this game until The End.... but I am disappointed that I don't get Everything as a FreeBees.

But for now, I don't have to play for Warner's CEO's vacations or at least until they revoke LifeTime (which they can do anytime they want).

So is the glass half-full or half-empty???

It all depends on the size of the glass....