"Q30: JeauxLOTR - Who is the RK Developer and when will they begin to engage the RK Community?
A30: Matt "Hoarsedev" Zimmitti
While there are principle designers for each class, I do want to stress that this is a team effort. That said, Jinjaah is the principle on RK. "
Hello all,
I want to start this post off by apologizing for not stepping into the forum discussion about the Runekeeper Dev earlier this month. But I am here now so here goes nothing!
It is true that I have taken over responsibility of the Runekeeper for the future changes that are approaching. The Runekeeper is one of my favorite LOTRO classes and was incredibly excited when pinged to work on them. I also want to take this time to just acknowledge how awesome you have all been over the past few months. The Runekeeper community has been very active ever since changes were hinted at in the Producer's Letter. You all immediately started posting ideas on where the Runekeeper is and where you would like it to be and that has and continues to inspire me a great deal.
So let's keep all the feedback coming. Feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions on areas you would either like to see change or remain the same. As always, try and be respectful of your peers with your posts.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from all of you!