To claim Sauron was overthrown by three hobbits is a very weak argument, thas like saying Boromir was killed by a single arrow, technically he was - the last one- but thats ignoring the others that hit him, same with your analogy, would Frodo and Sam even have made it out of the old forestwithout Tom Bombadil? escapes from weathertop without Aragorn? past the Bruinen with Glorfindel and Elrond? how about Gandalfs help with the Balrog? I could go on and on, the point is, none of what they acheived could have happened without contributions from the most powerful beings in middle earth.
And since you mentioned Morgoth, just remember how the mightiest races of elves at their most powerful faired against him till the Valar showed up.
The "dark side" was not weak at all, it was immensley powerful, its just the heroes were even stronger (just)
I agree.
Besides, Frodo and Sam didn't even fight Sauron. They just sneaked through Mordor and burned his ring in a volcano. And they barely managed to even do that because it required Aragorn and Gandalf to nearly sacrifice themselves and the armies of mankind just as a diversion. So to imply the forces of Sauron were weak in the books is absurd.
What really defeated Sauron was his inability to contemplate that anyone would ever wish to destroy so much power as the "One Ring".