Sammelthema - Fragen und Turbine-Antworten (aus Event "bringt die Hobbits nach Isengart")
17.01. Event auf Elendilmir
Hinweis: es sind keine exakten Zitate/Transcripte
Originally Posted by frickinmuck
I just wanted to post a bit of an update thread for people who couldn't be at the Hobbits to Isengard event today, with a few notes about what came out of the Q/A with Sapience. I will keep posting updates to this thread whenever I am able to attend a HtI event.
Please note: I am paraphrasing here. Anything said here is coming through my interpretation of what he said, and is subject to being corrected by him so don't take all this as gospel.
If anyone who was present has any additions or corrections, feel free to post.
Q/A Hobbits to Isengard - Elendilmir
Any updates to the Moors planned?
There is some stuff Jinjaah is working on that Sapience is not at liberty to discuss. Jinjaah talked at length about the Moors with a PvP player’s council member when they were out to Turbine, and it seemed a productive discussion.
Other questions re: Moors were around the visuals and graphics in the moors – will they be getting a significant update anytime soon, and Sapience was saying no, the focus will not likely be on the look or the graphics.
When will players council members be changing up?
They will be changing at anniversary time. A few exceptionally helpful members will be staying on, but the rest will be replaced. Applications will be posted in the forums.
Is there an age limit for players council?
Yes, you have to be 18+
Whatever happened to the global chat channel that was discussed before HD?
It is by no means dead – they are still working on it. A lot of it depends on when an engineer is available and has nothing else to do, which isn’t often. They need to also consider how many chat channels (if more than one) and what they might be.
Any update on the housing changes and what the timeline may be?
He has no news about that at the moment but will pass it on the second he does.
Could we get an Arena for sparring?
There is one in the new HD area that was built with the hope that players would use it for sparring. I have no idea where it is - if anyone has any ideas let me know. There is also one in Evendim (at Ost Forod, the second Stone Marker quest takes you there).
Will there ever be a Bracketed Sparring Tournament?
Players have tried doing it. It takes a lot of work but it can be done (by players).
Disable sparring timers for tournaments?
Not likely they will be disabled, but he will pass on the suggestion to make them longer. Someone suggested that if they are extended then sparring should be removed from crafting and auction houses and he said that sounded reasonable.
Bounders Bounty rewards, when will they be up?
As far as he knows they’re still working on getting the names together for the various statues on every server, so not quite ready yet, but will make a post when there’s more info.
Will Hobnobigans be returning? (this one comes up every HtI run)
Sapience says he will never give up on trying to get the devs to bring it back. It’s just one of those things that has to take a lower priority to other things so may take awhile.
Will the devs ever play huge trolls in-game?
Never say never. Could happen.
Could we ever take a passenger on a horse?
It’s useful to think of horses as “horse pants” because that is essentially what they are, so that creates a technical issue that makes passengers extremely unlikely to ever happen.
What is the likelihood we will someday get a boat or a horse cart ‘mount’ even just for fun?
He doesn’t think anything like that is in the works but he will pass the suggestion along.