I'm way behind on Bingo quests, so pardon me for going back to an old thread, but I just finished the Lothlorien quests. Here's a transcript of Pennasseth's dialogue:
No, do not go just yet? I have given to you a book of history, for if Bingo is to understand our people, he will need to know from where they came, and the trials they faced in their journeys to this point. But that is not all! There are so many names and places described in that book that I fear your friend will be quite overwhelmed and confused.
To that end, take too this book of maps. With it he will obtain a full understanding of the many places in which Elves have lived, and perhaps he will also attain an appreciation for the great scope and vastness of this MIddle-earth, and the lands beyond.
Is it just me, or does that first paragraph sound like a not so subtle nod to The Silmarillion? And does the second paragraph sound like The Atlas of MIddle-earth?