Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
You are right, this should be labeled Harvestmath Festival. Fall Festival is an internal development name for it, and unfortunately got mixed into the live description both externally and in-game.
Thanks Cordovan. You're wonderfully diligent about the Events Schedule which is a great improvement since you came to us for which we're grateful.

We appreciate the work done to ensure few things un-Tolkien sneak into the game... meaning we only lost a few battles (Oh! You wondered what they were? Well, just one example is when Crafting Guilds first came out and our lowbie scholar toons struggled to Rivendell and searched the second floor of the Last Homely House for the Guild Hall only to find it's on the first floor But then Tolkien may have just said "It's upstairs" and left us to find out how many stairs to climb ha ha

(Note for those who don't understand and are interested, in England the first floor is upstairs, but I'm well off topic now so back to the game )