Just like Seekingerin, I wonder about the nature of post-war Gondor.

1) Scope of the revamp: will we get all of it (North, Central, East, Old and Far Anorien and maybe North Ithilien) or a few of these regions (Eastern Gondor is the more likely for connecting south).

2) Filling the gaps: will we get the large spots of landmass which were left undeveloped and are already mentioned in this thread?

3) Expansion to the west: will we finally play in Anfalas, Pinnath Gelin and Andrast?

4) Expansion to the south: will we get the Southguard and Harondor in our way to Umbar? I think they are likely to build them for the sake of connecting landscape, which is one of Lotro main assets, but I doubt if they will add them in post-war Gondor or after Umbar.