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My biggest concern with option 3 (which I already see is getting pushed to test, so we'll see how it works, but I still wish to share my thoughts) is that it's not going to do anything to fix the current Warden issue of "always start with and refresh your highest damage gambits (4-5 icons) and only use 2/3 icon gambits when you have nothing else betterto do."
It seems counter to the concept of the class identity of "working towards bigger things" that the gambit system seems to have been originally designed to reward.
A proposal would be to keep the current chain build system for AT, and make the buffs for completing it more significant, so that it really feels like a setup/cashout system, rather than just a pure gate on AT. I understand that this could be tricky to balance so that it's worth doing, without making it either overtuned for players that can execute it consistently, or so necessary that it locks out some players from contributing meaningfully on Warden, so I have other thoughts that could help incentivize the chains, rather than just "do your strongest gambits," which just seems like casting regular skills with extra steps.
If you want to alleviate the "penalty" for having to start with a 2-icon, perhaps instead of clearing the gambit panel when executed, leave it filled, unless a gambit chain was completed. If the player wants to utilize all gambits in a single line, this makes the "click" penalty less. Assuming that masteries get used with no resets, a current 2-icon->3-icon->4-icon chain would take approximately some variation of (mastery +gambit, builder + mastery + gambit, 4 builders + gambit)=2+3+5=10 button presses, if the panel wasn't cleared, it would take (mastery + gambit, builder + gambit, builder + gambit)=2+2+2=6 button presses, and the same for the same 2->3->5 chain, with a mastery replacing the last builder. That's only 1 more press than manually building a 4-icon gambit currently is (mastery + builder + builder + gambit), and you get the whole chain.
This would make building a full chain of the same line quick and easy, alleviating the "DPS delay" to getting a set of DoTs applied. And swapping gambit lines while in the same chain can still be done relatively easily with the "Recovery" skill, if the player doesn't want to apply the whole line, or decides to swap mid chain.