I know, but there's a post here (http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=132434) with 4 PAGES of people discussing GMT vs. EDT. I thought it was kind of silly.
[FONT=book antiqua][COLOR=#808080][SIZE=2]
. . . plus too many alts![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
Hey, who stole my sig?
O hai! I can has joinings in on teh fun?
Damn you, LOTROCats! I was supposed to do homework tonight...
[CENTER][B][URL="http://my.lotro.com/azaelia_proudfoot/category/ramble-on/"][COLOR="DarkRed"]The sneaky little red bird...[/COLOR][/URL][/B][SIZE="1"]
Click above to read "Ramble On," the tale of Cardinal's Adventures![/SIZE]
"My size is inversely proportional to how awesome I am." [/CENTER]
The Inn League Keg claims yet another victim!
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." -John Wayne
I made this one regarding perhaps the worst thread I've seen in a long time (and people keep feeding it! Gah!)
Now, technically, it's not a LoLCat, but it emulates the style...
I hope the Great Professor forgives me.
[URL="http://austinhwilliams.com"]Austin H Williams.com [/URL]- Because I don't just troll the Landroval coffee house. • [URL="http://beritnewyork.com"]Berít New York[/URL] - New York's finest steampunk couture!
[COLOR=cyan]Osten[/COLOR][COLOR=cyan][SIZE=1](M/LM/58)[/SIZE][/COLOR] - [COLOR=plum][COLOR=red]Seaneen[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=red](E/CH/20)[/COLOR][/SIZE] - [/COLOR][COLOR=red][COLOR=lime]Fenn[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=lime](M/CA/16)[/COLOR][/SIZE] - [/COLOR][COLOR=seagreen]Britniel[SIZE=1](E/HU/13)[/SIZE] -[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Hethrengel[SIZE=1](E/GU/15)[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=silver] - Wahnsingr[SIZE=1](E/RK/17)[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=Black] - Arsanvenga[/COLOR][SIZE=1][COLOR=Black](C/WL/R0)[/COLOR][/SIZE][URL="http://austinhwilliams.com"]
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." -John Wayne
Started fishing already!
'If I'm ever grouped with an RK an I think he's out DPSing me, I'll Ebbing Ire on to him. Take that lorebreaker! Behold the wrath of Tolkien!'- Harumph
Kin Website:[url]http://middle-earthexplorers.guildportal.com[/url]
Okay, here is a picture I take for the best cheuvanist thread evah...
PS: Poor pregnant cat was so tired to open her eyes while I take that picture in a park, she didn't object in her nap...
Last edited by SiSL; Apr 15 2008 at 10:02 PM.
Some guy says to turn off NPC comments in dis thread
Last edited by SiSL; Apr 15 2008 at 10:33 PM.
OMG RUNNNNN!!!1!!1!!
[CENTER][B][URL="http://my.lotro.com/azaelia_proudfoot/category/ramble-on/"][COLOR="DarkRed"]The sneaky little red bird...[/COLOR][/URL][/B][SIZE="1"]
Click above to read "Ramble On," the tale of Cardinal's Adventures![/SIZE]
"My size is inversely proportional to how awesome I am." [/CENTER]
Darkrain / Ghostdog / Bettyford
Pouncing Pwny - Landroval
i is hunter in da moors
Last edited by Asheron86; Apr 17 2008 at 01:47 AM.