You put the URL (
[IMG]here[/ IMG] but without the space between / and I.
You put the URL (
[IMG]here[/ IMG] but without the space between / and I.
The only words I can make out in the letter are from the second paragraph: "The support from the.......greatly appreciated."
No idea what it's about, but the legible words tell me that with enough eye-scrunching, someone might be able to decode it.
Eruanne - Shards of Narsil-1 - Elendilmir -> Arkenstone
Last edited by Adder; Jul 08 2008 at 11:08 AM.
[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=orange]Adder[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=orange][URL=""][COLOR=orange][FONT=Book Antiqua][B]Hidden Nuggets we see all the time...[/B] [/FONT][/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=lemonchiffon]- Hall of Fame Forum[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
[CENTER][URL=""][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=orange][B]Adder’s /Mood_y /Emotes Compendium[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/URL][FONT=Book Antiqua] [COLOR=lemonchiffon]- [/COLOR][COLOR=lemonchiffon]LoreBook[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
[CENTER][URL=""][FONT=Book Antiqua][B][COLOR=orange]Announcing LOTRO Total Housing Redesign![/COLOR][/B] [/FONT][/URL][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=lemonchiffon]-[/COLOR] [COLOR=lemonchiffon]Suggestions Forum[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
The date on the top right seems to be ??? Wed 11, 1955. One of Tolkien's own letters, perhaps?
Oh, and djheydt, good call on that. I forgot about Balin's tomb having the same sort of patronymic.
Yeah, I got that part, too. What it looks like to me (so far) is something along the lines of,
Please be so good . . . .
My sister Anne . . . arrival of Mr. Frank from ??? and ??? to my aunt. (Or possibly, . . . and plans it to be my last).
The support from the ??? Club has been a comfort to me, and the beautiful floral arrangement was greatly appreciated.
I'm sure some of that is wrong, but I'm going to keep looking at it.
And if anybody has a shot of that letter posted at the west entrance of Ost Forod, please post it.
And the date looks to me like either 1835 or 1935.
Last edited by Silverlocket; Jul 08 2008 at 04:35 PM.
[url=]Silverlocket's Big Ol' Bucket O' Blather[/url]
Something I thought was pretty cool was that Aragorn's horse, Roheryn, is at the stables in've probably noticed that before but I just saw him (or her)
Mithelen, 54 Captain-Windfola
Sierat, R4 Warg-Windfola
This is not exactly lore related, but it's a nice touch that perhaps no one except the programmers might know about. I was standing at Sandson's chicken farm near Michel Delving chatting with my kin in between doing some chicken quests. As the in-game time flipped to Foredawn the rooster said "Coc k-a-doodle-doo!" Unless you were standing there at that exact second, you'd never see it.
Last edited by CharontheHand; Jul 10 2008 at 03:32 PM. Reason: Darned profanity filter!
[URL=""][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkOrange]Kinship Roster and Character Viewer[/COLOR][/SIZE][/URL]
this isn't at all lore related and is probably coincidence, but one of the NPCs in Forochel is named Juhani, the same name as one of the PC's party members in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic![]()
My first raid idea.
The Third
The Second (Technically the third, but the real second one I have disowned!)
My first raid idea.
The Third
The Second (Technically the third, but the real second one I have disowned!)
In Beta I bugged one of the scholar quests because it consistently mispelled the word connection as connexion (although I noted that I wasn't sure if this was simply a European spelling that was unfamiliar to me).
I was reading the Fellowship of the Ring again yesterday and realized that that is the way Merry spells it in his history of pipeweed. Doh! My Middle Earth spelling is not up to par.
Realizing this also made me track it down in Wikipedia, which confirmed that it is indeed a European spelling most common before the 18th century but still used in Britain today.
Good job Turbine!
I hope no clueless person fixed it based on my clueless bug report.
[url=]Order of Ancients[/url]: Elendilmir
[url=]Tash[/url] | Paks | Nonni | Gird | Vorpaks | Dangereux | Wellsie
Might not be the place for it, but since we're talking about spelling - Is the crit item "Dismissal Treasure" a misspelling of "Dismal Treasure" or did some old Cardolan soldiers get a going away present?
IIRC, Ancalagon the Black was a Fire-drake (winged dragon), yet he was used as a clue for "worm" in a quest. (vaugue on purpose) Scatha and Glaurung are described as worms, Ancalagon and Smaug are Drakes/Dragons...
Error or not, Berephon the Awesome? (Sorry if that seems like sarcasm, it's not)
My first raid idea.
The Third
The Second (Technically the third, but the real second one I have disowned!)
Actually, in Tolkien's works Dragons/Worms are the same thing. All four named above are most definitely all Great Dragons, though Glaurung is of the wingless variety. For LotRO, we break things up for variation purposes.
I believe the clue Ancalagon is mentioned in refers to "the least of his spawn" or some such. In our game, drakes are a devolved form of Dragon, worms and salamanders even further down the chain, though salamanders are a little higher than worms (slightly more intelligent and fire-aura.) They are all, however, of dragon-kind, descended from the Great Dragons.
My first raid idea.
The Third
The Second (Technically the third, but the real second one I have disowned!)
That Ancalagon clue had me confused for the longest time. The salamander island was a bit difficult for me to just wander around casually and pick up all the possible answers to the clue. So when I saw "drake" I just knew it was the right answer. After a long fight it turned out to be wrong. Then lots of long fights later to search out some more possible answers, "drake" still seemed to be the right one. Until I finally joined up with someone for an earlier riddle and explored a bit more.
Valrian, Rank 1 (woo!) Warg, Elendilmir
Dacrian, 57 LM, TOG, Elendilmir
I love this thread i found it a couple days ago, and have been reading some every night. unfortunately i cant read the whole thing, and i don't know how far off topic it is at the moment or what bits of book lore have been mentioned, but i just want to say these few things. I love that we were able to quest with radagast the brown, and hope that we can learn the fate of the other two wizards, witch i think is the same as sauromans. I love how the blue mountains look blue, how all the elfs even the men elfs look fair and lady like, and especially how there is no dwarf man or woman its just dwarf, though while fishing for the festival in celendium a darf npc said somthing about his wife waiting for him in thorins hall, having seen most of the dwarfs there this lead me to believe that they might be gay....jk, but for real, that to me is the biggest question. how do they, what do they, to get kids?
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I! hahaha!
Berephon, allow me to direct your attention to this thread.
My first raid idea.
The Third
The Second (Technically the third, but the real second one I have disowned!)
Was she karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given to her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"?
Hirvi means møøse.