Bullroarer's Throat.
Grand Poster
Ballad of Steel and Ballad of Vigour, but with Subtle Movements, all in a Focused Performance. This leads to Triumphant Spirit, and eventually (upon cooldown) Song of Soothing.
Taken together, that's a Call to Greatness.
"That has been used too recently."
Takes the guys longer to recharge, I guess...
I tried to read this entire thread, but before I could finish I got this message:
You do not have enough Power to do that.
Hrhalin, Ugo, Dagobah, Landras, Valel, Tilleul, Odekai
"A flute is not heavy metal, unless you're a hobbit." -Craig Ferguson
Anyone remember the original voice-work for many female human enimies (bandits, hill-women, etc)?
Good lord. Who knew there were so many masochistic maidenly malcontents in middle-earth?
*random person watching me slaying a female brigand* "Umm...she sounds likes she's having an awfully good time....what the...did she just climax when you killed her?!"
The 3 blue manuever title.
"Three-pronged Assault"
Silhouette, Melaberus, Atratus, Reavenge of Brandywine
From the singing to trees quest:
"This sapling looks overly delicate."
Every day, much like time spent in Evendim:
The target has entered anti-exploit mode.
"You found the bottom of a pit... the hard way."
Makazilrom Level 60 Dwarf Guardian [Retired]
You do not have the proper tool equipped.
[CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=orange]Dorkchops[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=pink][COLOR=black]Dwarf Champion LVL65 SM Tinkerer[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=orange]Darwing[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=pink][COLOR=black]Elf Lore-Master LVL61 SM Explorer [/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=orange]Galiwyn[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=pink][COLOR=black]Women Burglar LVL65 SM Armourer[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=orange]Galibald[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=black]Hobbit Hunter LVL63 SM Historian, [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=darkorange]ETC..
Last edited by Arness; Mar 31 2009 at 03:48 PM.
[center]Elendilmir - Rimsilval[/center]
[color=green][center]Arness Hunter; Ashuri, Champ, Rozie LM, Velan Minstrel; Kynra Captain; Ryssa RK;[/color][/center]
the horse races are down
Hobby not ready
You failed to catch anything.
!General Error!
[I]LOTRO has drink and smoke, this kill people. Eat corn is healthy. If you are Nobgobbler you can be most healthy too.[/I] - WNxNomos
[I]You just made me punch my own face! That's how angry ganking makes me. I punch myself in my own face![/I] - hex2323
Wife threatens to attack…
It's ok though, for I've slotted Confidence, Fidelity, Loyalty, Determination, Fortitude, and a bit of Zeal…
With my Eldar's Grace I will prove Swift and True (well, I hope not too swift) until her Heightened Senses are overwhelmed by my Strong Draw, Enduring Precision, and Deep Concentration.
After a Rapid Recovery, I Press Onward - and it begins once more…
- As seen on these forums: "More soloable content"
- As a dwarf guard, I like to use my "Whirling Retaliation" :P
- "Hey hun! Are you in for some session play?"
and after reading this:
delve Verb
[delving, delved]
1. to research deeply or intensively (for information)
2. Old-fashioned to dig [Old English delfan]
Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006
---> it brings a new meaning to The Great Delving
Kinship hall: 5 Roaring Road, Varinsot Neighborhood, Brandywine
This item has been used too recently.
Your reputation isn't high enough to do that.
You need a valid target to execute that skill.
In other words I'm single *sigh*
~Officer of the Black Knight Brotherhood (BKB) on Elendilmir~
~Herudraug, Hound of Barahish. Rank 4 Warg on Elendilmir~
Not all those who wander are lost. Just me. Now where did that refrigerator get to?