Re: Ask the Dev Team Feedback
We think that the look and the attributes of our “Tier Sets” are rather rewarding in and of themselves. That they further unlock the ability to acquire even more powerful gear is a big plus.
Why on earth do you still believe it's a good idea to add "a big plus" that isn't needed (because the gear earned is already "rather rewarding") when it causes so many problems? The playerbase isn't happy with the system and you're just making more work for yourself stacking bandaids on the system instead of fixing it. You think the hardcores are pleased that your solution is to make their raid gear easier for everyone else to attain??? You think ANYONE is pleased to have no choice in the gear they can wear into gated raids?
Trait-based gating feels less rewarding as players progress through the various milestones of the process so we’ve decided to stick with using radiance gear to gate access to our raids.
SAYS WHO?!??!!?!?
You could GATE each instance that needs to be gated by giving it it's own individual pre-reqs without diminishing gear as a reward for completing the content, and without diminishing player choice of gear they use in the content, and without doing crazy mathematical gymnastics with dread/gloom/hope/radiance by simply not mechanically tying these three separate mechanics together in the first place!
There is no reason to GATE via gear and there is no reason to GATE via Hope/Dread. Gate via something stand alone and simple!
Sorry, I don't like to post incredulously, but after I had heard so much right coming from Turbine, so much sooth indicating that they finally understood where things went off the tracks and had a plan to get us back on, to see this NON-SENSE posted back by the devs just astounds me.
EDIT: heh... the rest was pretty good.
Last edited by Moondog548; Sep 28 2009 at 06:36 PM.
Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire Friendly, Casual, Mature, and always seeking more!
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