"Enough! It's insulting to a warrior to be concerned about his life while he is out in the battlefield." Lieutenant Renji Abara, quote
[COLOR="Silver"]Protector of Toft[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Umbril r4 Minstrel[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Unwyn r3 LM[/COLOR][COLOR="SlateGray"] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Nautica baby burg![/COLOR] Paprikash r4 wargie[/COLOR][COLOR="Pink"] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Toft r5 WL[/COLOR][/COLOR]
./waves to Khallan and the rest of the peeps irl pics^
Rip Nidor
****** pic i know, i need a new one, anyway tis I Chaoswolf
(pic about 2 years old)
also known as (freeps: chaoswulf, zeroh, disturb, scarletrage, anonnymous) (Creeps: choazwolf, pokeman, oneshotkill, aphonopelma, insaniac, and shamarai
"To live life would be an adventure. But to die, would be an even greater one." ~ Hook
Click for latest lotro pvmp video --> FiZZE
"Enough! It's insulting to a warrior to be concerned about his life while he is out in the battlefield." Lieutenant Renji Abara, quote
Where's your pic Beatle?![]()
"Enough! It's insulting to a warrior to be concerned about his life while he is out in the battlefield." Lieutenant Renji Abara, quote
Chaos I think you should update your sig...it's a little outdated![]()
[LEFT][COLOR=#000000][I][B]Angfauglir - R9 - Savage Fangs [/B][/I]
The most recent pic I have...
"A fellow of infite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times." Hamlet- (Act V, Scene I) [A.F.K.B.D.O.T.R.G.T]
Mooninite(AKA Knuggs) and Honeybug riding some Elrond invoked white water.
White water > Nazgul
Knuggs > White water
There for, Knuggs > Nazgul
My bike could beat up your bike
This is a shot from the top of a fire tower on a North Carolina section of the Appalachian trail.
Honeybug and I took the hike back in June.
*drum roll*
haha, ok, now that we're all amused...
^ was taken when I got perma'd on my last account.
^ the love of my life
and yes, it is a violin, and yes, I can play it ^^
NOTE: no pictures with full size will be taken, preventing disclosure ofd dwarf-like height.
EDIT: no.2 was supposed to make no sense
Last edited by gloinfast; Oct 14 2009 at 03:07 PM.
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
I like your fish curtains lol
"For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I Live, I will kill you. If I Die, You are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor."
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
This is the most recent picture of my current ride.
Self Proclaimed Master Tree Stealther Extraordinaire. (look for the guy behind that fallen sapling)
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue