You're rank 10 but haven't got harvester? But almost same kills and 150k more inf =D
I led alot of raids. (esp as a secondary target assist for Edel; see above) Not until Moria have I gone solely to small grouping/soloing.
Also I am not concerned with KBs because they do not further improve my renown/infamy gain.
Last edited by featherlight111; Oct 31 2009 at 01:49 PM.
[CENTER][FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Red]So, you think you can tell Heaven from Hell?
Blue skies from pain? Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
So you think you can tell..[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
I guess I should post my Harvestor pic aswell thenThough I almost regret not wearing my LM foe title, I love it.
Looks like Evil got in less infamy then me, oh well I think I have almost half the kills though.
You might also notice my hatchlings are up to 262 KB's lol I hate them
Last edited by BIZL; Oct 31 2009 at 07:30 PM.
What information can you get from an infamy to KB ratio? If you have more infamy per KB that could because you got more solo kills. And if you had very little infamy to KB's you could say thats because almost all your infamy comes from KB's...
I dunno, it doesnt make much sense as a measurement to me.
Kills to KB ratio is probably better. My reaver has a 2.9 Kill:Kb ratio but my spider is just over 5, because when I group I focus on CC.
Good Isen is a requirement to join my raids.
He probably will. I'm still incredibly rusty after a 3 month break. Hell, a warden got me to 900.
Dirtyblonde 65 Burg (Nimrodel) | Notblondie (Nimrodel) | Scratchs (Elendilmir)
[OOC] ****** : 'except blondie, hes already GM smartass'
Blame the players.
Battlefield Heroes is really fun!
What information can you get from the categories you listed? Inf/KB shows that an individual makes an effort to claim killing blows, Inf/Kills shows how much of a soloist you are, etc.
None of this information is worthwhile, it tell us nothing about how skillful a player is, all it hints at is a particular play style.
* * *
well technically it looks like your hatchlings have 132 (by the screeny)
slayer of light + 3010 - War tab = Hatchling KB's
You still didnt answer what inf/KB means.....
It's impossible to prove "skill" with any numbers, both categories I listed at least prove something, what does inf/KB prove?
- Morrdan/Weaver/Pre
You proved nothing, all you did was show what conclusions might be drawn from certain stats. I'm sure there are Blackarrows out there with fantastic inf/kill ratios, what facts can be ascertained from that? Blackarrows are great at hoarding infamy. So, once again; the stats you have chosen to focus upon prove nothing.
You said: And I replied with: Both of the above statements are very basic conclusions which attempt to explain what certain stats mean, so I'm rather baffled by why "proof" is required and even more baffled by why you haven't presented any yourself.
How in the world does it mean that? Technically you want inf/kb as low as possible since that means you have a lot of kbs for very low infamy. (which could just mean you are a ninja.) This once again means almost nothing.
Inf/kill can be at least understood. Pointing to playstyle is a type of information. If it is very low then the person is a raider. If it is very high then the person solos and 1v1s a lot.
K/kb makes sense since it shows how many kills you were at least actively part of. If (on a dps class) this is high then it means you leeched a lot of kills. I guess leeched is a bit harsh but still. If it is low then you are either a very good ninja or 1v1/solo constantly. Same as inf/kill.
You can draw your own opinions from that but at least these two show some kind of obvious playstyle choice.
Dirtyblonde 65 Burg (Nimrodel) | Notblondie (Nimrodel) | Scratchs (Elendilmir)
[OOC] ****** : 'except blondie, hes already GM smartass'
Blame the players.
Battlefield Heroes is really fun!