I know. I've seen gtiny responses but I need to get the hunter community behind this.
I know. I've seen gtiny responses but I need to get the hunter community behind this.
I'm always gooning.
Yes! Hunters need an interupt skill!
No, We don't.
It would be nice, but we don't need it.
Most classes can interrupt, true, but not all, and that's as it should be. LMs don't have an interrupt skill either, nor do Minstrels.
To counter that, we have a small variety of cc, which usually means there's SOME way for us to interrupt just about any enemy unless it's immune to CC (in particular, Distract is unrestricted...). If it is Immune to CC, you're likely in a group or a raid doing something, and thus you will have other people wiht you who can handle interrupts on CC immune creatures.
It would be nice, yes, but we don't NEED it. There are plety of other thigns that our class would benefit from that I'd rather see introduced before this.
Rider, Fighter, Virgin, Lover; Watcher, Chaser, Bearer of Pain.
Victim tormented, Abused and Broken; Rise from the ashes and Hunt once again.
And Vengeance Be Thy Oath.
I agree it would be nice, but dont you think we should be lacking something?
[color=silver][i]"Intelligence is my bow, cunning are my arrows, and wisdom is my armor"[/i][/color]
[color=lightgreen][b]If you experience a lag spike in real life, would you notice?[/b][/color]
Keep distracting shot a 10s mez, good so you can keep two mobs out of the fight (bards arrow on the other) for a few seconds. Reducing the cooldown to 1 minute and making it a 5s stun would make the trapper of foes traitline need reworking anyway. I like distracting shot as is, I like using it to put a short mez on someone/something so I can finish killing the other without having to kite it and lose focus. The trapper of foes capstone makes your distracting shot a 30s mez on 1 minute cooldown but slotting in that traitline messes with your dps. Slotting for cc on a hunter wouldn't really make sense anyway, unless you can't fnd cc for an instance, since it would just turn you into a gimped LM with focus management and no pet.
P.S. Already a skill called headshot that ba's have .
Crusada Reaver R10*Hawkfood LM R10*Grandhustla Blackarrow R8*Belarnun Weaver R7*
*according to turbine I haz no chars* :(
I think the hunter would do a little more than the LM if neither were having their inductions interrupted. All LM dps besides burning embers, ss, and cracked earth is on a moderate cooldown if you don't have the LotRD -15s cooldown from 4/4 MoNF. I don't want blindside to be on the move or else the hnt will make the mistake of moving while using it so they lose focus, which is why the weaker blackarrow version of blindside is on the move. I think scouraging blow should stun for a short time on crits maybe.
Last edited by babaju2; Feb 16 2010 at 07:52 AM.
Crusada Reaver R10*Hawkfood LM R10*Grandhustla Blackarrow R8*Belarnun Weaver R7*
I know that a well timed bard's arrow will interrupt the induction of the moria/mirkwood reavers when they try to induct that buff that makes them absorb all damage for a short time. Not sure if it will interrupt other inductions though. Not sure if this counts, but it helps me when I solo.
why would i want a melee interupt? i say TOF line should get some love, put a interupt skill on bards arrow, in addition to the fear so we have a viable group interupt.
saelriana: r6 65 hunter | lefiglie: r6 65 RK | gurthrang: r4 65 champ | Theraphosa: r6 weaver | Rottwargler: r5 stalker
My Hunter isn't high enough yet to have to worry about it, but I know running SG on my LM with a Hunter friend we trade back and forth on mezzing/interrupting the Lore-Masters and Sorcerors and it never seems to be a problem. It's extremely rare that they'll get off any inductions against us. Obviously neither of us can interrupt Gorothul since he's immune to CC, but that's where other classes come in.
saelriana: r6 65 hunter | lefiglie: r6 65 RK | gurthrang: r4 65 champ | Theraphosa: r6 weaver | Rottwargler: r5 stalker
I agree this would be nice to have as an Interrupt or even the SCOURGING BLOW.
I wouldnt mind SB to have a stipulation as an Interrupt where to Interrupt the enemy they must be under your BA bleed. Id rather have the Interrupt instead of the extra pedly Melee Damage anyways.
Im not ****ting you. Since I hit 30 on my Hunter I havnt used SB. I only took it onto my HB briefly to see what changes were made to it.
Pariah Amistacia - Nimrodel - Leader of the Devils of Angmar
I never used Scourging Blow before either, but mostly because Barbed Arrow was teh suck until SoM. Now since I'm bleeding everything due to the unadulterated awesomeness of BA I find myself hitting SB as a finisher if the mob's below 500 health. I wish the bonus bleed-removal damage was actually added to SB's inherent damage instead of appearing as a separate number, because it definitely looks underwhelming: like another auto-attack slipping in rather than WOO BONUS DAMAGE BIGYELLOWNUMERBS!!!11one
Nemesis - Brandywine
Jenith 100 Hunter || Gavigan 78 Guardian || Kazamir 76 Captain
Gjorn 65 Champion || Anavel 65 Burglar || Thissis 100 Warden || Mezimus 70 Loremaster
Hunters have interrupts as long as its not a boss or boss add thats immune to fear or mezz as the same with Minstrels and in some cases Loremasters.
Once you put a boss in the way who is immune to those CC skills your left with a Medium Armor Pew Pewin guy who cant keep a boss from healing itself.
A perfect example of this situation is Boss 2 of Dark Delving.
Send your Hunter in to Interrupt that heal he does. Good luck. You will be fighting him for days before you give up by passing out and face rolling your Keyboard and never wanting to play Double D ever again.
Pariah Amistacia - Nimrodel - Leader of the Devils of Angmar
/not signed
Primary reason: you can't give every skill to every class.
Secondary reason: We have three skills that do situational interrupts already. This is as good as it should get.
Tertiary reason: If they did add it, it would have to be a ToF bonus. No one uses ToF anyway, so I'd rather they not waste time working on it and instead work on something useful.
Would I like to be able to interrupt at will? Sure...I'd like to be able to do everything on my Hunter. But it would defeat the purpose of having different classes.
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[CENTER][COLOR="PaleGreen"]Explorer 100%[/COLOR] - [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Achiever 67%[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Yellow"]Socializer 33%[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Red"]Killer 13%[/COLOR][/CENTER]
Pariah Amistacia - Nimrodel - Leader of the Devils of Angmar
The way the description for Blindside reads, it could lead one to believe that it is an interrupt skill. It seems like a natural choice to me. I would love an interrupt on my Hunter, even a melee one since I solo so much and tank for my skirmish Archer.
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