My Facebook page is available for some that ask for it
Last edited by CarltheRed; Sep 17 2011 at 05:56 PM. Reason: update
Hitchens(r9 warg), Glasgow(R9 LM) Brandywine server.
I fought alongside Silverest & Wuffles on Gladden when LOTRO began, nowadays on Brandwyne's PvP
i don't use myspace anymore!
I am Alteac in game....
Well, my Myspace URL has a bad word it in and filters don't like me.*ckingraeofsunshine
or, you could just click on this:
My myspace URL is
Hello, "The Knights of Destiny",would like to Invite you to our Myspace page..if your are looking for a kin that has more information in the form of a link or webiste,then check out this..
[CENTER][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][U][B][COLOR=Red][URL=""]Raidffxi[/URL][/COLOR][/B][/U][/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]-[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][B][COLOR=Blue]50[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Red][B]CPT[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][URL=""][U][B]Raidpld[/B][/U][/URL][/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]-[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][B][SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]30 [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][B][COLOR=Red]GRD[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][URL=""][B][U]Raidthf[/U][/B][/URL][/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]-[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][COLOR=Blue][B]30[/B][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][B]BRG[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][COLOR=White][URL=""][U][B]Raidenz[/B][/U][/URL][/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]-[COLOR=Red][B][COLOR=Blue]50[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange][B][COLOR=Red]CHP[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][COLOR=DarkOrange][URL=""][U][B]Raidwhm[/B][/U][/URL][/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]-[COLOR=Red][B][COLOR=Blue]10[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Red]MIN[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[/SIZE][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][I][COLOR=Red][B]:) [URL=""]Sinister[/URL] :)[/B][/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/FONT][COLOR=Teal][SIZE=2]
HI I'm new to both brandywine and LOTRO, but here is mine regardless.
played EQ for 7 years coming back to mmorpg love what i see in lotro so iam here for along time when music allows. So check me out will be looking for mature guild/kin soon.
isn't it kind of funny how 90% of these myspaces don't exist and nearly everyone who's posted in here has deleted their character?
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
Actually, I AM that type! Heheh! Well, not really, but I refuse to do the MySpace / FaceBook / Twitter thing. Just not my cup o' tea. I figure if someone needs to know the comings and goings of my mundane life, I'll let them know without cluing in the rest of Western civilization.
Weeeeeeee're baaaaaaack! :)
yeah these people who posted were probably E-stalked and forced to close their accounts/myspaces so the E-stalkers had no way to track them
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
I do have a FB account but I don't use it too much. I just created a myspace account a few months back because they sucked up Imeem and I used to like that site. :/
Also, blank forum sigz can also just mean that a person hasn't logged in for a while. So don't worry if you think a frind might have deleted a character.
Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior
Gloinfast - rank 11 dwarf Paladin - Brandywine
Gloinfastisback - rank 4 Ranger - Riddermark
Cudspitter - Rank 5 Warlock
Bowdowntogloinfast - Rank 4 Rogue
I'm too lazy to create a URL, so it's at the default:
Maybe they should rename this thread official 'social networking' thread rather than myspace thread. Might be more useful then.
Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior