Games programming must be really down the drain to call this "AI".
Games programming must be really down the drain to call this "AI".
"Into the night
Soon he disappears
And in the back the attack of the black riders start" - [URL=]Frodo's Dream, Van Canto[/URL]
Raskolnikov? Huzzah! *side eye* Thanks for wrecking my day. I've already been berating myself for years about how I always pick up Crime and Punishment or even Brothers Karamazov to re-read (I first read them when I was oh, 12-ish so I daresay a lot was beyond me) from my book shelves, read intently, put down and am somehow unable to resume. Such as it is, I was ruminating about Dostoyevsky yesterday and worrying that I might be a hipster.
What I'm trying to say is, nice forum name.
Aerlindal-65 Elf Champ/Tintariel-65 Elf RK/Hazeline-Hobbit Guardian/Sellaer- Elf Hunter/Nicotianna- Hobbit Burg/Vilya-Knights of Numenor All
Going on Hiatus until this statement becomes true:
[b]"The LOTRO Store will offer convenience, not advantage."[/b] -[URL=]Patience[/URL]
Cuckoo's Nest?!!???!!! Wait a minute...what? You know what's interesting...lot of folks don't know that the book's POV is Chief's. Love that stuff...anyway...hrm. You are a person of taste, methinks. Also-data suggests that you, too, are perilously close to hipsterdom. Well, I'm off to go buy some goods from American Apparel...
Last edited by Jesterofthedead; Jul 15 2010 at 08:33 PM.
Aerlindal-65 Elf Champ/Tintariel-65 Elf RK/Hazeline-Hobbit Guardian/Sellaer- Elf Hunter/Nicotianna- Hobbit Burg/Vilya-Knights of Numenor All
Not to point out the obvious here.
TOR is based on proximity with an increased chance to agro as you get closer. LOTRO is based on a proximity with agro if you are not out of that radius in a certain timelimit. I agree they are similar but not quite the same, boars don't attack you if you run right over them as long as you are out of range in a certain time. TOR's if you get close they will be "alerted" and if you get closer they will attack, regardless of timer, from what I have read.
Im not saying your wrong, im sure they probably got the idea from LOTRO but they put a slight spin on it by combining both proximity based agro and timer based warnings. I wouldn't call it ground breaking but it is an improvement on the old systems of mob agro.
Playing on JQ in GW2