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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Anyone know if it has any practical use. It doesn't register as a regular forge, so I can't make anything there. It doesn't appear to be linked to exploration deeds or a quest.

    For those who would like to know exactly where it is... enter Sarnur, go to the NE corner of the entrance area, enter the Sarnur Keep, turn left, go down the stairs that are just by the entrance to the Keep, and finally head in the general NE direction to the forge area.
    "Do or do not, there is no try."
    -Master Yoda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    It has never had a purpose, been there since Sarnur was put in the game. It is probably just a left over artifact of one dev's dream for a crafting update.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    There was one in the Bree rep dungeon too...I'm not sure where it would be now that thats been broken into pieces. Having said that, I enjoy the random finds like that. Cool stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    The Watcher's Workbench seems to have survived the nerf, though I don't remember exactly which dungeon it's in.

    As for the purpose, there were plans for special recipes to drop within the Rift which could only be crafted at one of the two crafting stations, but that idea never made it into the game.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by StavroMuellerBeta View Post
    The Watcher's Workbench seems to have survived the nerf, though I don't remember exactly which dungeon it's in.

    As for the purpose, there were plans for special recipes to drop within the Rift which could only be crafted at one of the two crafting stations, but that idea never made it into the game.
    I thought it could be something like this. Maybe one day, there will be a purpose.
    "Do or do not, there is no try."
    -Master Yoda

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    It is one of the four forges that will allow the reforging of the four Horseshoes of Elebrandir.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    The original concept for the Legendary Item system required use of these forges to apply the slayer type and other titles to the LI's. Each anvil was going to grant a specific attribute. For example, if you wanted the ancient evil slayer title, you maybe would have had to visit the anvil in the merrevail caves in eastern Durin's Way in Moria. This concept was scrapped mere weeks before the MoM launch and replaced with the infused gem multiforge concept you see with the six Dolven View instances (and for a long time the only way to add the titles was to run those infused gem quests - you couldn't barter bronze feathers and tokens of the wild for LI title scrolls). The other anvils remain in the game, but currently have no purpose.
    Last edited by Vilnas; Dec 11 2010 at 04:37 PM.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by Vilnas View Post
    The original concept for the Legendary Item system required use of these forges to apply the slayer type and other titles to the LI's.
    OP is talking about the forge and workbench in the Thorin's and Bree rep dungeons, which have been there since long before Moria was even announced. At one point, the Rift recipes were even in the lorebook, but they've since been deleted as far as I can tell.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Yes, you are right. I was thinking of all the other forge anvils.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by StavroMuellerBeta View Post
    OP is talking about the forge and workbench in the Thorin's and Bree rep dungeons, which have been there since long before Moria was even announced. At one point, the Rift recipes were even in the lorebook, but they've since been deleted as far as I can tell.
    Moria was in the works before SoA was released.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Maybe they could tie them in to an epic quest line requiring super supreme masters to reforge a legendary armour set to be used to fight the great evil which is Shelob.

  12. #12
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    May 2007

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneezer View Post
    Moria was in the works before SoA was released.
    ...but not announced. Which is what the person you quoted said.
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  13. #13
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneezer View Post
    Moria was in the works before SoA was released.
    Perhaps, but these facilities were put in around the same time as the Rift, and they were listed as a requirement on the Rift recipes found in the lorebook.

  14. #14
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    Oct 2010

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    i was under the impression that these forges were present to allow ppl - when the lvl cap was 50, and grinding in these dungeons for hours at a time was standard game-play - to repair on the fly, without having to port out and fight yr way all the way back in again. certainly, i can remember using the forge in HI for this purpose, many many moons ago.

  15. #15
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by Naesriel View Post
    i was under the impression that these forges were present to allow ppl - when the lvl cap was 50, and grinding in these dungeons for hours at a time was standard game-play - to repair on the fly, without having to port out and fight yr way all the way back in again. certainly, i can remember using the forge in HI for this purpose, many many moons ago.
    But there's no repair function with them. They will either trigger the crafting panel, or one of those "That does nothing" kind of things.
    If you give away gold bars, someone will complain they're too heavy.
    .: Dannach, 118 WDN :.: Totes, 118 HNT :.: Sunhawk, 110 RNK :.
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  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    They never had repair functionality. You may have used a crafted (metalworker or weaponsmith) anvil to repair.
    I want my "The Venomous" title back.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2010

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by Naesriel View Post
    i was under the impression that these forges were present to allow ppl - when the lvl cap was 50, and grinding in these dungeons for hours at a time was standard game-play - to repair on the fly, without having to port out and fight yr way all the way back in again. certainly, i can remember using the forge in HI for this purpose, many many moons ago.
    I wasn't able to repair at this, just popped up the crafting panel. Both types of forges were red, indicating that this forge didn't act like any of the normal forges out there in the game.
    "Do or do not, there is no try."
    -Master Yoda

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Forge of the Blue Mountain inside Sarnur Keep

    Quote Originally Posted by CoranisDoJ View Post
    It has never had a purpose, been there since Sarnur was put in the game. It is probably just a left over artifact of one dev's dream for a crafting update.
    Yea, probably the start of an idea that didn't go anywhere. There was a crafting center in the Bree rep dungeon forever too that never did anything. These both are rep dungeons, and both were there at the start of the game (or at least shortly thereafter). Since then the ideas on what to do with this game have evolved.

    Consider that some games make use of these hard-to-get-to crafting areas for higher end crafting. Ie, there used to be a crafting center deep in a WoW instance where you had to go to make certain items. And so there were always a few players around willing to join groups heading there. Probably a decent idea in an instance heavy game like WoW, but maybe not so much in a more casual game.



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