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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by trebizond View Post

    Seriously, you people are pathetic with all this complaining. You whine that Turbine doesn't care about your needs, and when they try to gather data on what you actually want you complain too. Do all of us a favor and close your account. It'll make everyone happier.
    LOL! Complaining about complainers!! I love it, who's pathetic now?

    Just ignore thread.....Brilliant huh?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by trebizond View Post

    Seriously, you people are pathetic with all this complaining. You whine that Turbine doesn't care about your needs, and when they try to gather data on what you actually want you complain too. Do all of us a favor and close your account. It'll make everyone happier.
    Agreed. I would hate to be a Dev. There is absolutely no way to keep from being insulted on a game forum if you're a Dev.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by ericlewis View Post
    I agree 100% they asked all the questions, then said dont ask us againg. They keep skirting around trying to find anything to work on but removing radiance from the game and fixing the LI Lotery mess. Instead they seam hell bent on ignoring those hundres of post on radaince and LI's and keep asking what else would you like us to work on.

    The answer is Randiance remove it, LI's remove the lotery. Pure and simple. To bad they are too dense to understand that, and they have faulty data pointing that folks love these systems.
    One day the guy who created radiance will be standing tall before the man to answer fo it, and then he going to get a surpise when he takes off his cloak and he finds the man has a pitchfork, and a forked tounge with fire and brimstone.
    /rant off
    Really? You find radiance gear so reprehensible you hope it sends someone to hell? Really?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by Grodo View Post
    This is your opinion and therefore your argument is false and completely wasted my time. Negative rep for not posting the facts.
    It's ironic beyond comprehension that you chose to quote from a post that was laden with references, and that you do not have enough rep to give me negative rep.

    *slow clap*

    Well played!


  5. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by trebizond View Post

    Seriously, you people are pathetic with all this complaining. You whine that Turbine doesn't care about your needs, and when they try to gather data on what you actually want you complain too. Do all of us a favor and close your account. It'll make everyone happier.
    This, I <3 u 4ev.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    I'm easy, I don't get half the technical stuff ya'll talkin about which is fine by me, I'd just be happy if most things worked properly, like my 071 Madil , everything has to work in synchronicity or it dont work.
    So with all the lag and the so called great improvents that are blech at best. Above all just do your job and make it work smooth like it did two and a half years or so ,again.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    I read the first page and a couple of posts from the second before I realised this thread is almost a year old (give or take a week)

    Interesting to see how much has changed in-game (and how much hasn't) since this thread was started though...

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Can we pls stop the necro on dead threads over 3 months old pls?


  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    I think the difficulty is that we respond with wants that are not going to happen. They ask additional questions in the same area in an attempt to find a compromise. Something that a significant portion customer base will accept and meet Turbine's requirements for implementing.

    You sound like some of my kids. I am Turbine (the parent). We are going around around in circles trying to find a partial solution. My son is very unhappy at the moment. He is not getting what he is asking for.

    TsarithArcher covered the time lag issue. It can easily take one year from the time they post a set of questions before any changes happen.
    Yeah, a year is about right (there was a big "legendary" item feedback thread right after Siege of Mirkwood).

    And when those changes happen, 50% will be almost perfect (yes, we can replace legacies on our "legendary" items now) and 50% will be botched so badly that you'll boggle at the idea that someone thought this was a good solution (new relic acquisition model that removed in-game functionality and turned it into a store-bought item).
    Dwarf Guardian, Hobbit Hunter 65; Elf Rune-keeper 55; Elf Hunter 49; others 7 to 36.
    Two of each class; 3+ of each of the ones I like; 8 x KSM and counting....
    Asheron's Call'99, Dark Age of Camp-a-lot'01, Everquest II'04, Vanguard'07, (M)Age of Conan'08, Lord of the Rings Online'09, Rift'11.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Seriously, enough already

    Quote Originally Posted by giniluv View Post
    Can we pls stop the necro on dead threads over 3 months old pls?

    LOL. Didn't even notice the OP date. It just seemed so ... timely. So ... now. So appropriate to our current situation.

    The true irony, of course, is when people don't necro threads and then get yelled at for not using the search function.

    So where's the cutoff? Three months sounds reasonable, but I'm sure there are posters who think that is too old. Ah well, can't please everyone all the time....
    Dwarf Guardian, Hobbit Hunter 65; Elf Rune-keeper 55; Elf Hunter 49; others 7 to 36.
    Two of each class; 3+ of each of the ones I like; 8 x KSM and counting....
    Asheron's Call'99, Dark Age of Camp-a-lot'01, Everquest II'04, Vanguard'07, (M)Age of Conan'08, Lord of the Rings Online'09, Rift'11.


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