Re: Seriously, enough already

Originally Posted by
I think the difficulty is that we respond with wants that are not going to happen. They ask additional questions in the same area in an attempt to find a compromise. Something that a significant portion customer base will accept and meet Turbine's requirements for implementing.
You sound like some of my kids. I am Turbine (the parent). We are going around around in circles trying to find a partial solution. My son is very unhappy at the moment. He is not getting what he is asking for.
TsarithArcher covered the time lag issue. It can easily take one year from the time they post a set of questions before any changes happen.
Yeah, a year is about right (there was a big "legendary" item feedback thread right after Siege of Mirkwood).
And when those changes happen, 50% will be almost perfect (yes, we can replace legacies on our "legendary" items now) and 50% will be botched so badly that you'll boggle at the idea that someone thought this was a good solution (new relic acquisition model that removed in-game functionality and turned it into a store-bought item).
Dwarf Guardian, Hobbit Hunter 65; Elf Rune-keeper 55; Elf Hunter 49; others 7 to 36.
Two of each class; 3+ of each of the ones I like; 8 x KSM and counting....
Asheron's Call'99, Dark Age of Camp-a-lot'01, Everquest II'04, Vanguard'07, (M)Age of Conan'08, Lord of the Rings Online'09, Rift'11.