Re: Feedback: Producer's Letter March – 2011
Originally Posted by
I'm really glad you asked this because it gives us an opportunity to explain a common point of player confusion. There is a very natural tendency to assume serial events have causal relationships. That A leads to B as it were. In development, especially game development this is almost never the case. Most work is done in parallel, not serially. So something impacting A almost never leads to B and B doesn't always follow from A. They're unique, stand alone, events.
The raid being pushed to the expansion is not due to prioritizing a festival ahead of it, it's due to the scope of the raid being such that its simply not possible to complete it in the time allotted. So the option was, scale it back dramatically and make is less interesting, or keep the original design and allow the team more time. Rather than make a raid that neither the team nor you guys would be happy with, we took the second option.
As for the comment that no one will notice the lip-syncing. Oh, I don't know about that.
That's not how I read the comment. I don't think the poster was referring to the festival as the 'fluff mechanic' delyaing the raid, but rather the lip-synching mechanic that the letter cited as the reason for the delay. However, reading your response, it seems like that is not the only reason for delaying the raid but just one easily-identified aspect.
[COLOR=olive]Lyriell, Elf Guardian of Carpe Jugulum [/COLOR]
[COLOR=olive]6 Fairwood Lane, Pel-e-Maenas, Falathlorn (Silverlode)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]- Comfrey (Minstrel), Lomeloth (LM), Galmiriel (Captain), Melanna (Hunter), Curubrindal (Warden), Collinsia (Burglar)[/COLOR]